IN-SIGHT TO ‘OPEN CHURCH’ ‘Open Church’ at St. Mary’s on Sunday 3rd October, was a new kind of service. This is just a little insight into what took place. Church started at the usual time of 10am, when tea / coffee was served. A presentation was given on Christian Aid, as they were celebrating their 75th Anniversary. A couple of short films were shown, including their ‘Thanksgiving Service’. We then took part in a short quiz. The service took approximately ¾hour. Next ‘Open Church’ takes place on Sunday 7th November, 10am at St. Mary’s Church. The topic will be on ‘Anti Slavery’ led by Revd. Diane. All are welcome to come along. This service took place at 10.30am on Sunday 10th October. Don’t let the title put you off, it was by no means MUDDY! It started outside in the grounds, glorious blue skies above, we sat on logs, some on chairs, to hear about ‘balance’ and to try various ways to balance. Then we heard the story about Mary and Martha, laid on our backs, relaxing but imagining ourselves looking in on the scene in the room, where Jesus was talking to Mary, while Martha was busy in the kitchen. After the story we collected 2 twigs and 4 leaves. Then went into Church and see if we could tie our twigs together and hang the leaves on and see if they all balanced. Some did manage this task. In our day to day life, we need balance! We then listened to another story about St. Francis of Assisi, followed by prayers. A lovely interactive family service. 21

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