England in wider society is contested more now than it has been in recent history. We know we need to do things differently in the future and so with your help create a positive way forward together. The Diocese of Bristol will be engaging with people in a variety of ways – such as through virtual meetings and workshops, online questionnaires, social media and through churches. They will be talking with and listening to those both within and outside the church. This engagement will last until April 2021, following which the responses will be used to help work out a new vision and set of priorities for the diocese. A final plan for the years ahead is expected to be completed in the Autumn. If you are able to access the Bristol Diocese website, you are very welcome to fill in the online questionnaire. Also please contact Revd Lizzie if you are interested in taking part in the online workshop she will be able to direct you to one or set one up as a parish/benefice. Thank you for helping us shape our future. Prayer God of the Way, you call us to leave familiar places and to set out on new paths. Enlarge our vision of your work in the communities we serve, speak to us through the people we encounter, and open our hearts to your love. Give us courage and boldness to engage together in this time of prayer and discernment; and by your Holy, life-giving and creative Spirit, renew your church in prayer and service, and in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen. 10
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