Christian Basics No 1: God the Creator For many today the universe began with a big bang, in which a lump of matter, smaller than a pinhead, exploded 15 billion years ago. It’s a story that defines who we are and where we come from. However, the Bible gives us another perspective on this event, revealing God as Creator: ‘By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible’ (Hebrews 11:3). What does Genesis 1 say about God as Creator? ‘In the beginning, God’ Whereas science can offer answers about the how of creation, the Bible tells us about the why i.e. the purpose of the Creator! Creation reflects the character and glory of God, inviting a response of dependence and praise! ‘God created the heavens and the earth’ God shaped the universe, as expressed in the ‘6 days’ of creation. They speak of an ordered and purposeful universe that expresses God’s will: He spoke and it was done! An alternative translation is ‘God began creating’, reminding us that creation is also an ongoing process, where the Holy Spirit is still at work in our lives and world. ‘God created man in His own image’ In the account, human beings are presented as the climax and crown of creation. We share the sixth day of creation with other creatures, as well as 95% of the same DNA. However, we are distinctively made in the image of God, created for relationship with God, with a responsibility to care for the created order. ‘And God saw that it was good’ Like an artist, God described His work as good. We should always approach this story with wonder, enjoying God’s world and affirming creativity in ourselves and others. (Paul Hardingham begins this year-long series on the very foundations of our Christian faith.) (Material taken from Parish Pump, web site for Church Magazines). 19

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