TREEFEST 2021 This took place at St. Mary Redcliffe during the weekend of 4th/5th December 2021. There were over 47 entries of Christmas trees, and they were not all just normal trees, but some where s constructed from different materials. One of the entries in this Treefest was from 176th Fishponds Methodist (Bristol) Guides, who now meet at St. Marys Church in Fishponds. Seen here on the right. The Christmas tree has been made from wood and completely covered with merit badges and awards. Very well done to the Guides on their entry. You maybe able to see all the other entries if you go to this web page www.stmaryredcliffe.co.uk !""# %& #'" (&) *+&),- %. #'" !%&#' /01234 5%6 -%+&7 3"%38" .6%4 -",6 / ,&) +39,6):; #% 4""#; #,8<; 8",6&; 36,,&) ',=" .+& #%7"#'"60 5%6 >&.%64,#>%& ?%&#,?# @>7"8 %& A11/ BC2 (DBE %6 F"=)0 G>HH>" 8 “That’s two t’s in Matthew”, said Osric

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