APRIL 2022 B E N E F I C E M A G A Z I N E ALL SAINTS Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk “Come Gather, Come Worship, Come As You Are” ST. MARY’S Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol Holding Together In Hope www.stmarysfishponds.org.uk 70p
All Saints Church Fishponds DONATE* Please help us to keep the Church, Hall and Grounds safe for safe for this and future use. You can donate in the following way TEXT HQJB01 to 70331 to give £3 HQJB01 to 70970 to give £5 HQJB01 to 70191 to give £10 OR GO TO http://easydonate.org/HQJB01 You can scan this code bar to take you to the donate site *Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). *For Terms and Conditions, see www.easydonate.org St. Mary’s Church Fishponds Giving Our church is funded almost entirely by donations and fund raising. We provide several different ways of giving to enable people to give in a way that they are happy with. Some do standing orders and the envelope scheme. For those who don’t carry cash anymore, or who have forgotten their wallet we have a card reader in church which can take card payments including contactless, apple pay and google pay. You can also use this QR Code code that will take you to our donation page. Beavers Monday’s 6.15pm Tel: 0117 958 4164 Contacts for Scouting Groups Cubs Thursday’s 6.45pm East Bristol Partnership Office Co-ordinator Amy Donaldson Tel: 0117 958 6412 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ebpbristol.org.uk 2 Scouts Thursday’s 8.00pm Tel: 078 5452 0595 www.13thbristolscouts.uk
CONTACTS for the BENEFICE of ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH Vicar Revd. Lizzie Kesteven - Tel: 0117 965 0856 Curates Revd. Janey Hiller - Tel: 0117 239 0625 Revd. Diane Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader Mark Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader & Permission to Officiate Graham Biddlecombe - Tel: 0117 956 1544 Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Weddings/Funerals Contacts for All Saints Church Elaine Seretny Chris Whitehead Tam Pearce Anita Lavis Tel: 0117 902 5257 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 078 0098 7672 Revd Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Safeguarding Officer Helen Whitehead - Tel: 0775 2389 995 Email: [email protected] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contacts for St. Mary’s Church Church Warden Mary Ewing Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Mary Ewing Tel: 0117 382 6324 Pete Walker Matt Timms Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hannah Gazeley Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Weddings/Funerals Amy Donaldson Email: [email protected] Safeguarding Officers Kate Hancocks & Clare Munoz 3 Email: [email protected]
Welcome you our Easter Services & Reflections All Saints Church & St. Marys Church 10th - Palm Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion at All Saints 10.00am Holy Communion and Procession of Palms at St. Marys 10.3am All Age Family Service for Palm Sunday at All Saints 14th - Mundy Thursday 6.30pm Agape Service at All Saints 7.30pm Eucharist Service followed by The Watch at St. Marys 15th - Good Friday 10.00am - 11.30am Childrens Activities at All Saints 1.30pm Good Friday Liturgy at St. Marys 2.00pm The Last Hour at All Saints 16th - Easter Eve 7.00pm Easter Vigil at St. Marys 17th - EASTER DAY All Age Family Easter Celebrations 10.00am Holy Communion at St. Marys 10.30am Holy Communion at All Saints 6.30pm Choral Easter Evensong at St. Marys 4
Canon Paul Hardingham from Parish Pump, considers the crowds of Jerusalem… It must have been a dramatic sight on Palm Sunday when Jesus approached Jerusalem to the adulation of the crowds. The Bible tells us that ‘A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. The crowds that went ahead of Him and those that followed shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!’’ ‘(Matthew 21:8,9). But not everyone in Jerusalem welcomed Jesus; in the very next verse we read, ‘the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”’ (10). But by the end of the week, the crowds had turned against Jesus and were demanding His crucifixion. (Matthew 27:22). Why did they turn against Jesus so quickly? Perhaps they were disappointed because He refused to fulfil their expectations in establishing a new political kingdom. Instead, He came to change our hearts and save us from our sins by His death and resurrection. As He said during that week, ‘My kingdom is not of this world.’ (John 18:36). This deeply disappointed those who hoped that He would throw out the hated Roman occupiers. Where would we have been on that first Palm Sunday? Among the disciples who welcomed Him or among the sceptical crowds? It’s easy to judge those who condemned Jesus, but would we have acted differently? We too can be disappointed when Jesus fails to meet our hopes and expectations of Him? The message of Easter is that God still loves and accepts us, and because of Jesus we can be forgiven. He came for one simple reason: ‘For Christ also suffered once for sins…to bring you to God.’ (1 Peter 3:18). May we welcome Jesus afresh into our lives this Eastertime. 5
APRIL READINGS for ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH 3rd - Fifth Sunday of Lent (Purple) Isaiah 43: 16 - 21; Philippians 3: 4b - 14; John 12: 1 - 8. 10th April Palm Sunday (Red) Isaiah 50: 4 - 9a; Philippians 2: 5 - 11; Luke 19: 28 - 40. HOLY WEEK Monday 11th Isaiah 42: 1 - 9; Hebrews 9: 11 - 15; John 12: 1 - 11. Tuesday 12th Isaiah 49: 1 - 7; 1 Corinthians 1: 18 - 31; John 20 - 36. Wednesday 13th Isaiah 50: 4 - 9a; Hebrews 12: 1 - 3; John 13: 21 - 32. 14th - Maundy Thursday Exodus 12: 1 - 4, 11 - 14; 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 26; John 13: 1 - 17, 31b - 35. 15th - Good Friday Isaiah 52: 13 - 53: end; Hebrews 10: 16 - 25; John 18: 1 - 19: end. 16th EASTER Eve Old Testament Vigil Reading followed by Romans 6 : 3 - 11; John 20: 1 - 18. Sunday 17th EASTER DAY (White) St. Marys Readings Acts 10: 34 - 43 1: Corinthians 15: 19 - 26; Luke 24: 1 - 12. All Saints Readings Acts 10: 34 - 43; 1: Corinthians 15: 19 - 26; John 20: 1 - 18. 6
APRIL READINGS CONTINUE for ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH 24th - Second Sunday after Easter (White) Acts 5: 27 - 32; Revelation 1: 4 - 8; John 20: 19 - end. 1st May - Third Sunday of Easter (White) Acts 9: 1 - 6; Revelation 5: 11 - end; John 21: 1 - 19. OPEN CHURCH Sunday 3rd April 10.00am St. Marys ‘Growing Up’ Sunday 25th April 10.30am All Saints Service with hymns, prayers and discussions while sat around tables Topic “Why Being Yourself is a Bad Idea”. SERVICES 3rd All Saints 10.30am 10th All Saints 8.00am St. Marys 10.00am 17th St. Marys 10.00am All Saints 10.30am 24th All Saints 8.00am St. Marys 10.00am Plus Every Thursday St. Marys 10.00am “Why Being Yourself is a Bad Idea” by Gramham Tomlin This is the book that will be used at CAFE CHURCH from April ▪ A book for anyone trying to make sense of life ▪ Graham Tomlin shows how life experiences all point to God ▪ You'll find a counter-cultural way to live a full, meaningful life Each of the ten chapters focuses on a common human experience – WONDER, LOVE, SUFFERING,SACRIFICE, SOUL, FREEDOM, TOGETHERNESS, CONNECTION, CHANGE, JOY – revealing how reflection on that experience points towards the God revealed in Christ. This is not a book of apologetics in the sense that it is arguing for the truth of Christianity; instead it shows how Christianity makes sense of our experience in a remarkably coherent way, opening up a much bigger and more exciting world than secular visions, or even other religious interpretations. It is written in a deliberately non-academic and popular style, though drawing on theological resources from the past. Lizzie will have copies of this book that you can purchase or you can buy it from SPCK, EDEN, ASLAM, WATERSTONES & WH SMITH Shops. Also available from Amazon (Prices vary) 7
APRIL PRAYER PAGE ✤ We thank God, particularly for the release of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe from captivity, and the joy and hope it gives to all at this time of resurrection. ✤ We pray for the people of Ukraine and for all victims of war everywhere. Help us to put down weapons and help us as mankind to build up and not tear down, to love and cherish, not to hate. ✤ We pray for all who mourn, especially those close to us. Strengthen and comfort all who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. May their memories become joyful, their days enriched with friendship, and their lives encircled by your love. ✤ We remember all who are frightened by the rises in price of fuel, food and transport. We pray that people will not go cold or hungry over the coming months. Help the food bank agencies, and organisations like Christians Against Poverty and Citizens Advice to do what they can, for as many as possible, to enable people to cope. ✤ We pray for our NHS and for those who have had any treatment delayed, due to Covid. Help us all to remain vigilant regarding Covid, to take care and to do what we ought when we feel there are risks around us. ✤ We pray for Fishponds C of E Academy, as they seek to appoint a new head. ✤ We pray for joy and the Resurrection to be experienced in our lives this Easter time: may it be manifested in our love and worship of God, our love and service to each other and our own self-care. 8
Easter Prayer Dear Almighty, All-powerful Father God, You brought light and hope out of darkness and despair. You brought life out of death when you raised Jesus that first Easter Day. Thank you that the tomb is forever empty and that Jesus is forever alive! No matter what is going on, no matter how little we understand, help us to hold on to the Easter truth – Jesus is risen! He is alive today and in Him we can put our trust, completely and confidently. Because of Jesus, death is defeated. Because of Jesus, the best is yet to be. Love wins! Hallelujah! We praise you, Lord, in Jesus name, Amen. By Daphne Kitching IMPORTANT! ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETINGS Sunday 3rd April All Saints Church 12noon Sunday 24th April St. Marys Church 11.30am These are important meetings in the running of these churches. It is the time to nominate, elect and vote for Wardens and Parochial Church Council members, to hear what your churches have been doing over the past year and to see how they have been doing financially and a chance for you to ask questions. So please All Saints and St. Marys do try and stay after your church services. 9
Saturday 21st May 12noon - 3.00pm All Saints Church Community Hall Grove Road Fishponds Entrance Adults 50p REFRESHMENTS RAFFLE CRAFTS 10 TOMBOLA TOYS GAMES BOOKS
LIVING AFTER LOSS Have you had to face a loss? Bereavement / Retirement / Health Problems / Redundancy etc. Do you need to talk? You are very welcome to come and talk to friendly people over refreshments at St. Mary’s Church Parish Rooms There are a couple of changes this month Friday 1st April will be with ‘A Time To Remember’ in Church A time to remember lost ones and light a candle. (see page 17) Change of date due to it being Good Friday will be Thursday 14th April & Friday 29th April 11am - 12noon For information please contact Revd. Lizzie 0117 9650 856 Meet on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 7.15pm For young people from year 7 upwards, to meet, talk, learn, pray and have fun together. Contact Revd. Lizzie for details DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES May 29th June 4th July 2nd July 9th Benefice Service St. Marys Coffee Morning / Jubilee Celebration All Saints Revd Diane’s Ordination Summer Fair September 18th Harvest Festival October 2nd Harvest Festival 11 Cathedral St. Marys St. Marys All Saints Please be aware that these dates and events could be subject to change. Watch this space for updates and more information.
COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Across 1. ‘The baby in my — leaped for joy’ (Luke 1:44) (4) 3 A ‘don’t know’ in matters of faith (8) 9. In the distant past (Jeremiah 2:20) (4,3) 10. Armada (1 Kings 10:22) (5) 11. Where Moses was confronted with the burning bush (Exodus 3:1) (5) 12. Hair colour indicative of skin infection (Leviticus 13:30) (6 14. ‘The worries of this life and the — of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful’ (Matthew 13:22) (13) 17. Expel (2 Kings 13:23) (6) 19. What Jesus wrapped round his waist when he washed his disciples’ feet (John 13:4) (5) 22. The sixth plague to afflict the Egyptians (Exodus 9:9) (5) 23. For nine (anag.) (7) 12
24. Where there is no time (Psalm 93:2) (8) 25. Goliath’s challenge to the Israelite army in the Valley of Elah: ‘This day I — the ranks of Israel!’ (1 Samuel 17:10) (4) Down 1. ‘I will become angry with them and forsake them; I — — my face from them’ (Deuteronomy 31:17) (4,4) 2. Usual description of prophets such as Amos, Hosea, Micah, and so on (5) 4. ‘They cannot see the light of the gospel of the — — — , who is the image of God’ (2 Corinthians 4:4) (5,2,6) 5. An animal’s internal edible parts (Leviticus 4:11) (5) 6. Popular 20th-century religious novel by Lloyd C. Douglas, which became a 1953 film starring Richard Burton (3,4) 7. ‘A — on a hill cannot be hidden’ (Matthew 5:14) (4) 8. One of the exiles, a descendant of Bebai, who married a foreign woman (Ezra 10:28) (6) 13. Old Testament hymn-singing (8) 15. ‘And O what transport of delight from thy pure — floweth’ (7) 16. Of felt (anag.) (3,3) 18. ‘So — the — sets you free, you will be free indeed’ (John 8:36) (2,3) 20. Comes between ‘bad’ and ‘worst’ (John 5:14) (5) 21. ‘Neither height nor depth... will be — to separate us from the love of God’ (Romans 8:39) (4) All Saints Monthly COFFEE MORNING Saturday 2nd April 10am - 12noon All Saints Church, Grove Road Second hand fiction books for adults and children to buy. We also have some DVD’s . All proceeds go to the Church Fabric Fund 13 St. Mary’s Churchyard Gardening Group Meet every Monday from 10am till 12noon To do a spot of gardening and tidying up the grounds You are very welcome to come and join them. Tea & biscuits provided
All Saints Services and 3rd DUTY TIME 8.00am Services 10.30am Wardens Sidesperson Readers Prayers 8.00am Holy Communion - Fifth Sunday of Lent - 10th Palm Sunday Holy Communion Revd Janey All Age Service Revd Janey & Revd Lizzie Revd Lizzie, Elisa, Dave M. Lavis 10.30am D. Williams/C. Whitehead E. Seretny / G. Smith 10.30am C. Edwards-Mlangwa 1st lesson E. Williams 10.30am 2nd lesson R. Edwards-Mlangwa C. Whitehead Parish Street Ernestville Road St Mary’s Services 3rd DUTY TIME 10.00am Services 6.30pm Wednesdays - 9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Fifth Sunday of Lent Open Church Lent Bible Study Revd Diane Passion in Music ALL SAINTS 5th April - 10.30am 14 St. Marys B. Pearce T.B.A. T.B.A. T.B.A. Everest Avenue 10th Palm Sunday Holy Communion Revd Janey - 24th April 10.00am
TIME 8.00am 10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Thursday 14th MAUNDY THURSDAY 6.30pm - Agape Service Revd Janey & Revd Diane Wardens G. Smith C. Whitehead Friday 15th GOOD FRIDAY 2.00pm Last Hour Service Revd Diane & Mark Thursday 14th TIME 10.00am 6.30pm MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.30pm Holy Communion Revd Lizzie & Mark Friday 15th GOOD FRIDAY 1.30pm Good Friday Liturgy Diane & Team Diane & Team Everest Road for April Saturday 16th EASTER EVE 7pm Easter Vigil 17th EASTER DAY 10.00am All Age Family Communion Revd Lizzie For children aged 7+ and upwards. Meet on a Friday in All Saints Church from 6.30pm till 7.15pm 15 24th Second Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Revd Janey - Revd Janey & Revd Diane Revd Lizzie & Mark M. Lavis All Age Family Communion - D. Williams E. Seretny/C. Whitehead T.B.A. T.B.A. T.B.A. D. Williams Featherstone Road Duty Rota for April 17th EASTER DAY 24th Second Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Revd Lizzie Café Church St. Mary’s Church Friday’s 7pm New members are welcomed
‘COLUMBUS’ at your service For all those jobs that you haven’t the time to do!! Window Cleaning Painting ~ Plumbing Carpentry Gardening ~ Decorating Ring for a FREE quote Tel: 0117 939 0529 Mobile: 07954 161 210 Tel: 0117 939 1316 Mob: 07792 097 234 [email protected] www.jblandscapesbristol.co.uk A family run business. J. B. LANDSCAPES General Build and Maintenance James Bufton Qualified Landscaper kitchens Bathrooms Wetrooms loft conversations From concept to completion for all aspects of home build & renovation [email protected] 07748 397329 local family business 16
Support Marie Curie Cancer Nurses A TIME TO REMEMBER Friday 1st April - 11am St. Marys Church, Manor Road Why not take a moment to come together, to acknowledge the pain and loss of the pandemic and to remember lost loved ones. You are welcome to join us for a period of reflection with the opportunity to light a candle, should you wish. Tea, coffee and biscuits will follow with the chance to pause, remember and to support one another. There will be a small table top sale and the option to give a voluntary contribution in aid of MARIE CURIE CANCER NURSES We hope you can join us. SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) EASY MEDIUM QUOTE from Octavious Winslow (19th century evangelical preacher) Who delivered up Jesus to die? Not Judas, for money; not Pilate, for fear; not the Jews, for envy; but the Father, for love! 17
Christian Basics No 4: What about the Resurrection? (Paul Hardingham continues this year-long series on the very foundations of our Christian faith.) (Material taken from Parish Pump, web site for Church Magazines) ‘Easter is not primarily a comfort, but a challenge. Its message is either the supreme fact in history or else a gigantic hoax.’ (CS Lewis). As we celebrate another Easter, what is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection for us? As Paul writes, ‘if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins’. (1 Cor 15:17). What does the New Testament affirm about the resurrection? It affirms that Jesus’ death on the cross was not a defeat but a victory over sin, death and Satan, in which we share. ‘But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him’ (Acts 2:24). It points to our own bodily resurrection after death, ‘The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable’ (1 Cor 15: 42). It guarantees the forgiveness of our sins, ‘if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile; you are still in your sins’ (1 Cor 15:17). It ensures that we can know the reality of His risen life today, ‘just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life’ (Rom 6:4). The story is told of Russia under the Communist regime. A member of the Communist Party addressed a packed audience at length, seeking to discredit the resurrection of Christ. At the end an Orthodox priest rose and asked if he might reply. He was warned that he only had five minutes. ‘Five seconds is all I need!’ He turned to the audience and gave the traditional Easter greeting: ‘Christ is risen!’ Back with a deafening roar came the traditional reply: ‘He is risen indeed!’ 18
Fishponds Clean Streets Fishponds Clean Streets was established in 2016 and is run by a few volunteers with the aim of helping keep the streets cleaner of litter. There was an extended period owing to COVID restrictions when we were not able to operate, however we are back up and running again now. We usually meet for an hour and a half on a Saturday morning once a month and always publicise our litter picks on our web site, where we also report on our activity after each litter pick. Bristol Waste lend us litter picking sticks and Hi-viz vests for safety. On our most recent litter pick was on Saturday 12th March, we had a fantastic turnout, including 5 little people enthusiastically helping! Between us all we covered a number of parts of Fishponds and we collected our largest quantity yet - 10 sacks of rubbish and another 10 of recyclables. We hope to organise another litter pick this month (April), if you would like to join us or would like more information please email: [email protected] or keep an eye on our webpage: cleanupuk.org.uk/groups/fishponds-clean-streets/ For future dates and more information. EASTER JOKES Q. Why was the Easter bunny upset? A. He was having a bad hare day. Q. What is Easter Bunny’s favourite kind of music? A. Hip-hop, of course! Q. What do you call a rabbit that can tell a good joke? A. A funny bunny. 19
ALL IN THE MONTH OF APRIL 150 years ago, on 2nd April 1872 that Samuel Morse died. This American artist and inventor helped develop commercial single-wire telegraph systems and codeveloped Morse code. 125 years ago, on 3rd April 1897 that Johannes Brahms, German composer, piano virtuoso and conductor, died. 100 years ago, on 3rd April 1922 that Joseph Stalin became leader of the Soviet Union, in succession to Vladimir Lenin. 90 years ago, on 23rd April 1932 that the Royal Shakespeare Theatre opened in Stratford-upon-Avon, replacing the one that burnt down in 1926. 75 years ago, on 1st April 1947 that the school leaving age in the UK was raised to 15. 65 years ago, on 24th April 1957 that the first episode of the British astronomy series The Sky at Night was broadcast on BBC TV. It became the world’s longestrunning TV series with the same presenter (Patrick Moore) until his death in December 2012. The series 20 then continued with new presenters. 50 years ago, on 11th April 1972 that the first episode of the radio comedy panel game show ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’ was broadcast on BBC Radio 4. It is still running. 40 years ago, on 2nd April 1982, that the Falklands War began when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands. A British victory, although Argentina continues to claim sovereignty over the islands. 30 years ago, on 23rd April 1992 that the world’s largest McDonald’s fast-food restaurant opened in Beijing, China. Also 30 years ago, on 27th April 1992 that Betty Boothroyd became the first female Speaker of the House of Commons. 25 years ago, on 13th April 1997 that the American golfer Tiger Woods, aged 21, became the youngest player to win the US Masters championship, and the first African American to win. 20 years ago, on 1st April 2002 that the Netherlands became the first country to legalise euthanasia.
Meet Monday’s during term time from 10.30am til 12noon Children from birth to 4years of age welcome along with their parents, grandparents or carers. A morning listening to a story, singing, craft time followed by refreshments and play time. Free entrance / voluntary donations. For more information contact Cynthia on 0117 965 1849 Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a warm friendly group today! Groups now fully open Mondays 6.30pm & Tuesdays 9.30pm The Beechwood Club, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TR Contact Claire on 07791 574 353 Tuesdays 6pm & 7.30pm Argyle Morley Church Whitefield Road, Speedwell Caroline 07988 692 202 Wednesdays 5.15pm & 6.45pm The Salvation Army, Staple Hill Anna-Marie 0785 417 7308 www.slimmingworld.co.uk 21 SATURDAY LUNCHES @ St. Marys Church Every Saturday from 12noon - 2pm Free light lunches of soup, sandwiches, tea/coffee, and biscuits. All are welcome.
St. Georges Day Patron Saint of England Tuesday 26th April St George’s Day, the Patron Saint of England. Here a couple of Englishmen consider their country… There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is England. – Winston Churchill The English nation is never so great as in adversity. – Benjamin Disraeli The all meet on a Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Church, Manor Road For times and other information please visit the following website https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/ For the Guides look for ‘176th Fishponds Methodist (Bristol) And Rainbows and Brownies look for 1st Fromeside Rainbows & 176th (Fishponds) Bristol Brownies Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 22 Reasonable rates. Telephone Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321
The Easter Story by Karen Williamson, illustrated by Marie Allen, Candle Books, £6.99 Here is a book for sharing with your toddlers and young children, perfect for bedtimes leading up to Easter. It is written as a continuous journey, from ‘A noisy entry’ where Jesus is walking to Jerusalem, ‘A meal to remember’ where Jesus ate with twelve special friends, through to Jesus appearing to His special friends and His ascension. The story is expanded to give a little more detail and to enable it to be read as a continuous story over a number of days, leading up to Easter. Prayers for Wild Animals – their Habitats and the Environment by Deborah Lock, illustrated by Tina Macnaughton, Lion Candle Books, £7.99 This is a prayer book of blessings to help children celebrate the lives of wild animals and God’s love for them. The often-heart-warming prayers help express the joy children find in animals. From butterflies to bears, Africa to Australia and forests to oceans, the collection includes prayers for the conservation of the animals’ habitats and the care and protection for the environment. Comfort in Uncertain Times by Rachel Turner, BRF, £8.99 This book helps you to help your children learn to manage change. Uncertainty and change can be hard, and even more so for a child. Feelings of confusion, powerlessness and insecurity may be overwhelming. Scripture is full of people just like our children, who had to cope with uncertainty and transition. Yet they flourished as they saw God’s hand and presence within it all. Designed as a series of stories and discussions for families, this book lays a biblical foundation for who God is in uncertain times and how to stay connected to Him. 23
WORD SEARCH The last Passover On the night before He died, Jesus ate His last Passover meal with His disciples. He then transformed the Passover into the Lord’s Supper, saying of the bread and wine that, ‘this is my body’ and ‘this is my blood’. Jesus, the Lamb of God, was preparing to die for the sins of the whole world. John’s gospel makes it clear that the Last Supper took place the evening BEFORE the regular Passover meal, and that later Jesus died at the same time that the Passover lambs were killed. Jesus then astonished the disciples by washing their feet. He said: “A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” His disciples were to love through service, not domination, of one another. In Latin, the opening phrase of this sentence is ‘mandatum novum do vobis’. The word ‘maundy’ is thus a corruption of the Latin ‘mandatum’ (or command). Passover ate last disciples Lord Supper bread wine body blood Lamb God die sins world John gospel killed feet washing love command service maundy transformed 24
St Mary’s Players are very excited to present our 2022 production. 19th - 23rd April Redgrave Theatre, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 3LE Ticket Prices: Tuesday 19th April - £12.50 Wednesday 20th - Saturday 23rd April - £15.00 Evening Performance 7.30pm - Saturday Matinee 2.30pm To book call Redgrave Theatre on 0117 315 78700 or visit. www.redgravetheatre.co.uk All tickets are subject to a £1 book fee. For information about St. Marys Players visit their web site at www.smpmtc.co.uk LUNCH TIME CONCERT Friday 8th April -1pm to 2pm St Mary’s Church, Manor Road Tea/coffee served from 12.30pm - 50p No admission charge but a retiring collection to cover expenses. 25
FROM THE EDITOR At time of print we are still in Lent. If you read last months ‘from the Editor’, you will have read that I was given up tea and going to read the Lent book, well so far I have had no tea, was hard for about 3 days but kept with the lemon water, but haven’t done well on reading the Lent book. Only a few weeks to go and then I can enjoy a cuppa with an Easter egg. Mmm I hope I get one! I have mentioned about St. Georges Day date has been changed, and wondered why, and this is why - According to the Church of England's calendar, when St. George's Day falls between Palm Sunday and the Second Sunday of Easter inclusive, it is moved to the Monday after the Second Sunday of Easter. How many of you knew that I wonder. On to the deadline for the May magazine, you have until Sunday 10th April to get any articles to me, email: [email protected]. That leaves me…… TO WISH YOU ALL A ANSWERS TO THIS MONTHS CROSSWORD & SUDOKU’S 26 E A S Y M E D I U M ACROSS: 1 Womb; 3 Agnostic; 9 Long ago; 10 Fleet; 11 Horeb; 12 Yellow; 14 Deceitfulness; 17 Banish; 19 Towel; 22 Boils; 23 Inferno; 24 Eternity; 25 Defy. DOWN: 1 Will hide; 2 Minor; 4 Glory of Christ; 5 Offal; 6 The Robe; 7 City 8 Zabbai; 13 Psalmody; 15 Chalice; 16 Let off; 18 If son; 20 Worse; 21 Able.
Roles & Contacts for All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Members Luci Heath Anita Lavis Tam Pearce Mark Simms Diane Simms John Waldren Alison Wren Elisa Williams Chris Whitehead Dave Williams Deanery Synod Representatives Chris Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tiny Tots John Waldren Tel: 0117 956 3208 Gift Aid Chris Whitehead Anita Lavis Tel: 0117 307 9117 Mike Lavis Vacant Junior Church Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Electoral Roll Helen Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Magazine Editor / Adverts Hall Booking Secretary Elisa Williams Tel: 079 7395 3445 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roles & Contacts for St. Marys Church Matt Timms Parochial Church Council Members John Ewing Edward Gleed Sam Toogood John Anson General Enquiries Matt Timms [email protected] 27 Hannah Gazeley Deanery Synod Representatives Leigh Cooper Director of Music / Choir Tel: 0117 962 2093 Notes / News / Weekly Sheet Sam Toogood [email protected] Bob Bartlett Andrew Cooper
Do you need somewhere to hold a celebration or meeting? ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY HALL Part of the Parish of All Saints Church Could be your answer It can cater for small or medium size function. Has kitchen facilities, plus adequate on site parking Our rates are very competitive. For details please contact Elisa Tel: 0117 9584164 / 07973 953445 Or visit our web site: www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk You are very welcome to view before booking. 28
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