23. The nature of the seven ears of corn which swallowed up the good ears in Pharaoh’s dream (Genesis 41:23) (4) 25. Has(anag.)(3) 28. ‘This is the account of Shem,Ham and Japheth,— sons’ (Genesis 10:1) (5) 29. ‘I will...make them drunk,so that they...sleep for—and— awake’ (Jeremiah 51:39) (4,3) 30. Paul said of him,‘he often refreshes me and is not ashamed of my chains’ (2 Timothy 1:16) (11) Down 2. Worth (Matthew 13:46) (5) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ‘A bruised — he will not break’ (Matthew 12:20) (4) ‘Suddenly a great company of the heavenly — appeared with the angel’ (Luke 2:13) (4) Slip (anag.) (4) ‘Take an awl and push it through his — — into the door, and he will become your servant for life’ (Deuteronomy 15:17) (3,4) Bountiful (2 Corinthians 8:2) (11) ‘Therefore, as we have — , let us do good to all people’ (Galatians 6:10) (11) 12. Acquire(2Timothy2:10)(6) 14. Container cover(Numbers19:15)(3) 15. ‘He...became obedient to death,even death on ——!’ (Philippians 2:8) (1,5) 19. Refrain(1Peter2:11)(7) 20. ‘She began to—his feet with her tears’(Luke7:38)(3) 24. One who worships Brahma,Vishnu or Shiva(5) 25. ‘Give to everyone who—you’(Luke6:30)(4) 26. ‘I lift up my eyes to the hills;where does my—come from?’ (Psalm 121:1) (4) 27. One of those whom the Lord said would be taken from Jerusalem and Judah as judgment on them (Isaiah 3:2) (4) SMILE LINES A Cheshire vicar has two cats. Their names are Ancient and Modern – because they are both hims. 13

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