15th TIME 8.00am 10.30am 8.00am Duty Rota for May 22nd Fifth Sunday of Easter - Holy Communion Revd Janey - C. Powell C. Doyle Sixth Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Revd Janey Café Church Revd Diane & Mark C. Whitehead T.B.A. T.B.A. C. Whitehead Revd Diane Glenside Park 15th TIME 10.00am 6.30pm Fifth Sunday of Easter Creative Church Revd Lizzie ‘Jubilee Bunting” Evensong Revd Lizzie For children aged 7+ and upwards. Meet on a Friday in All Saints Church from 6.30pm till 7.15pm 15 T.B.A. C. Doyle Greens Hill for May 22nd Sixth Sunday of Easter Holy Communion Reve Lizzie - Revd Janey St. Mary’s Church Friday’s 7pm New members are welcomed 29th Seventh Sunday of Easter / Ascension 10.30am Benefice Holy Communion Evensong 29th Seventh Sunday of Easter / Ascension Book of Common Prayer Holy Communion Revd Lizzie Benefice Holy Communion Revd Lizzie M. Lavis 10.30am D. Williams / G. Smith E. Seretny / D. Williams E. Seretny / D. Williams 10.30am 10.30am Volunteers J. Badman 10.30am A. Wren C. Whitehead Grove Avenue
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