JUNE PRAYERS ✤ We continue to pray for all who have been and are being affected by the Covid pandemic. We remember all who have been bereaved because of this and those who have long Covid. We pray for all, who have had their NHS treatments been pushed back on account of emergency measures, and those in education where it has been disrupted. We ask for God’s strengthening Holy Spirit to be with us, and God’s wisdom to guide us, through our days. ✤ We continue to pray for an end to hostilities in the Ukraine, so that people might pick up their lives, and Ukraine can get back to producing food for the world. We pray for Russia that the will for peace would take precedence over the desire for war, and the urge to turn back the clock. We also remember all other parts of the world where there is no peace. ✤ For Afghanistan and the general abject level of poverty and the relief of hunger; also for the position of women in that country. We remember the relationships between countries in the middle east. For the people of Myanmar and Ethiopia, and pray too for the Uighar people of Western China. As we remember the people of these lands, we pray for the Aid agencies such as Christian Aid, Cafod, Unicef, Médecins Sans Frontières and the Red Cross/Red Crescent, bringing hope and relief to where it is most needed. ✤ We pray for our community of Fishponds, asking that our faith communities of All Saints and St Marys would be like salt, bringing extra and positive flavour to our surroundings, and witnessing to the positive aspects of our faith here, so that others might become more aware of the importance of Christian faith locally and in world today. LIVING AFTER LOSS Friday 3rd & 17th June, 11am - 12noon Have you had to face a loss? Bereavement / Retirement / Health Problems / Redundancy etc. Do you need to talk? 7 You are welcome to come and talk to friendly people over refreshments at St. Mary’s Church Parish Rooms Contact Revd Lizzie for details

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