27 Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened. (Exodus 32:14) At this time, God reconsidered thanks to Moses’ plea. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. (Jonah 4:2) The regretting, and reconsidering God is no longer the all-powerful God who determines all things according to his own will. To regret and reconsider is when what has been decided does not work out in accordance with the will, or when what has been decided changes in accordance with the will of people or other beings. This sort of God is far removed from the all-powerful God who foresees all, and forces through his own will, sweeping aside any protest. God is open to the will of all his creations for the future of the world, starting with Man, and not just his own will. The decisions of God are not closed as final, but are open to be freely affected by Man or other beings. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. (Revelation 3:8) God is open. Let us map this open God onto an open set. We must define the topological space in order to define the open set. Topological space is defined as when the union ∪Oλ that includes the infinite potency of the subset Oλ of X is once again the subset of X and at the same time the intersection of the finite numbers of Oλ is also the subset of X. At this time we call the subset Oλ of the topological space X an “open set.”(2) For the set X itself to be open, it is enough that X matches the union ∪Oλ of all its own open sets Oλ, or in other words, when and only when X matches the greatest open set that includes itself.(3) For example, let us look at the complex plane C. The complex plane C is the total of the complex numbers z: z=x+iy However, x and y are real numbers, and i represents the imaginary unit i=√-1 We consider Dε, the interior of the circumference of the radius ε centered on the point at origin O of the complex plane C:
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