TC75 - 5th (CD/ Vinyl/Digital) (9XO Media) Since the formation in 2007, Leipzig-based music collective, TC75 has released seven full length albums.At first listen, it becomes obvious that in all the cases the formula if pretty simple. However, comparing the recently released "5th" to the band’s previous albums, you’d understand that it’s a more thoughtful work. Recorded over the course of the pandemic, the new LP has incorporated a necessary feeling of fear and alienation.A combination that, alongside a natural self-searching of TC75 lead the band to question themselves, bout our lives and the future, pandemics and geopolitical shifts in the world. While Skinny Puppy has always been more attracted to animal rights and abstractionist themes, TC75 prove that the age-old industrial has not exhausted itself and there is a lot more to tell. [DV] De Delvers - Hart In Neonlicht (CD/ Digital) (Wagonmaniac) The Belgian post-punks De Delvers are back. Dries Emmerechts (vocals, guitar, beats), Laurens Primusz (guitar, keys, vocals), Sylke Verslype (keys, vocals), Menno Buggenhout (guitar, beats) and Tom Kets (bass, vocals) strike again with an album that’s brimming with a witty post-punk vibe.They lash out unstoppably for 13 songs. Shrilling,menacing, furious but sometimes also modest.‘Hart in Neonlicht (Heart in Neon Light) is the title of this album while the band remains faithful to using the Dutch language. Which we appreciate! The material on this album is as diverse as the number of variants within the aloe vera plant kingdom. Apparently there are over 200 variations, just saying. And exactly this variation is what makes one keep listening. Listening to the rhythms, the surprising intrusion into the basic vocal-guitar-bass synth of many other instruments, such as trumpets, saxes, oriental rhythms to primal post-punk… [JB] - 14 - Read full reviews on
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