! so that it was totally different to anything about at the time. We'd been playing the songs on the EP live for a long time so we just recorded them as a natural progression from Valley of the Dead Single. It's possibly the most popular song as it carries the title of the EP but personally I prefer 20th Century Vampire and Necroaria. It's also featured on loads of compilation records so I guess that's why people associate that as our most popular song. With the EP in mind, do you have any fun anecdotes from live performances during that time that you'd like to share with us? Our live performances were sometimes hit and miss depending on how we refuelled ourselves! We were young and fell into the trappings of a rock-n-roll lifestyle is all I'm prepared to say! I will ask no more! Now to make a jump in time; it’s the end of the nineties and on ‘Resurrection Records’ the album ‘Death Rides Out’ is released. But what is striking on that album is the difference in sound. How did this come about? We'd not been together for many years and Tony had got used to playing to a drum machine and as we didn't have any contact with either Hugh or Mark we decided to do the album with this format to save time and effort. Tony had been experimenting with this format with his band Inkubus Sukkubus so we stuck with that formula. It was a decent album and a shift towards a more traditional Gothicy sound which seemed to work. That brings me to our present day. There is the new ‘Ride With The Dead’album, released last year (2023) by 'Bat-Cave Productions'. Several tours over the world. Back alive and kicking for sure! Well, we got back together to do a one off show but when it was announced we were doing a show it seemed like so many people wanted to see us again! We were finally geting the recognition as being a pioneer of Post-Punk, Goth rock, Horror Punk and Deathrock all rolled into one! We've played all over the world now and the following is absolutely fantastic both here and abroad. We've kind of mixed our sound up with the old and new but it's very much in the Horror Punk mode as in our roots. Were certainly a very tight, energetic live act as people will testify and our songs have definitely stood the test of time! Maz and Bazwork brilliantly together and we've created a whole range of new songs which are going - 29 - down fabulously at the live shows! We're back in Mexico and the US in October but would love to play more shows in Europe.Any interested parties please hit us up! Keeping my fingers crossed that there are going to be interested parties. Here in Belgium as well because I definitelywould love to see you guys perform live! Can I also say I think it's awesome your merchandise is available through German 'Bomb-All-Records'! Especially for the fans living in Europe. Yes, they're a top quality company with awesome products! All right you Night Creature. On behalf of Peek-A-Boo and our readers, let me thank you again for doing this interview. Here's to a fang-tastic future Sam. Cheers! Thank you so much Hayley and best wishes to all at Peek-A-Boo! Hayley CLX https://screamingdeadofficial.bandcamp.com/ album/ride-with-the-dead-2 https://www.facebook.com/officialscreamingdead https://www.instagram.com/screamingdeadband/ www.peek-a-boo-magazine.be

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