MAKING A DASH FOR IT - VICAR AND RUNNING MATE GO FOR BROKE (N!) IN A SPONSORED HALF MARATHON FOR CHRISTIAN AID AND SELF INJURY SUPPORT. Well….so it comes to this. After 5 years of plodding up and down the cycle path and around the Frome Valley just for fun, it felt the right time to try and run a half marathon – which I have never done before in my whole life. That’s a whopping 13 miles! It’s not an organised one – like the Bristol half marathon (most of those happen on a Sunday so a bit awkward!) but just me and a mate (Flo Weston) running that 13 miles up the cycle path from Bath to Bristol on Monday April 19th 2021. So you will have to trust us – and Strava! Anyhow it would seem odd to run this and not do it for charity. There are so many charities that I could support – but one of the first that I was aware of as a child was Christian Aid. I was taken out to post those envelopes through letter boxes and then sent back to collect them a week later. I have since then always had a bit of a soft spot for this charity. It is also Christian Aids 75th Anniversary – so if I could get 75 donations that would be wonderful! It resources people locally in communities to make long term and sustainable change. It works in countries regardless of creed or colour. It is a rather wonderful thing and also close to the hearts of many in St Marys and All Saints. Like lots of charities this year – the pandemic has made it more than difficult to fundraise. So if you want to, if you used to bake or buy a cake each month at All Saints or you went along to the quizzes at St Marys or if this is the easiest way to do something for someone else in the world right now then please do think about sponsoring me. 18

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