Changing the Climate: Applying the Bible in a climate emergency. By Debbie Hawker and David Hawker, and Jamie Hawker, BRF, £9.99 This book considers a series of Bible passages, unpacked to show the Bible’s relevance to environmentalism, and how we can all play our part in limiting the negative effects of climate change. The climate crisis is one of the most important issues of our time, threatening lives and livelihoods. The Bible teaches us that God the creator put humans on the Earth to take care of it; to show love to all, and to care for the poor and vulnerable. Planet Protectors – 52 Ways to Look after God’s World By Paul Kerensa and Ruth Valerio, SPCK, £6.91 This is a good book for summer reading. It is a fun, fact-filled book for 7-to-9-year-olds that offers 52 ‘empowering’ ways to become Planet Protectors that look after God’s world. The book is a blend of interesting facts, Christian theology and practical tips on how to help the environment by living sustainably. The ideas for looking after the world include cycling more, choosing fair-trade, taking shorter showers, and recycling. Children will love taking up a different challenge each week. GUIDING Meet on a Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Church, Manor Road For more information on this Guiding Troop go the following website https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/ For the Guides look for ‘176th Fishponds Methodist (Bristol) And Rainbows and Brownies look for 1st Fromeside Rainbows & 176th (Fishponds) Bristol Brownies 22

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