B E N E F I C E M A G A Z I N E AUGUST 2021 ALL SAINTS Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk “Come Gather, Come Worship, Come As You Are” ST. MARY’S Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol Holding Together In Hope www.stmarysfishponds.org.uk 70p
All Saints Church Fishponds DONATE* Please help us to keep the Church, Hall and Grounds safe for safe for this and future use. You can donate in the following way TEXT HQJB01 to 70331 to give £3 HQJB01 to 70970 to give £5 HQJB01 to 70191 to give £10 OR GO TO http://easydonate.org/HQJB01 *Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). *For Terms and Conditions, see www.easydonate.org St. Mary’s Church Fishponds Giving Our church is funded almost entirely by donations and fund raising. We provide several different ways of giving to enable people to give in a way that they are happy with. Some do standing orders and the envelope scheme. For those who don’t carry cash anymore, or who have forgotten their wallet we have a card reader in church which can take card payments including contactless, apple pay and google pay. We are also able to take card payments over the phone. Or you can go to our Website and to the donation page and click on our PayPal link to make a donation. Beavers Monday’s 6.15pm Tel: 0117 958 4164 Contacts for Scouting Groups Cubs Thursday’s 6.45pm East Bristol Partnership Office Co-ordinator Amy Donaldson Tel: 0117 958 6412 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ebpbristol.org.uk 2 Scouts Thursday’s 8.00pm Tel: 078 5452 0595 www.13thbristolscouts.uk You can scan this code bar to take you to the donate site
CONTACTS for the BENEFICE of ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH Vicar Revd. Lizzie Kesteven - Tel: 0117 965 0856 Curates Revd. Janey Hiller - Tel: 0117 239 0625 Revd. Diane Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader Mark Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader & Permission to Officiate Graham Biddlecombe - Tel: T.B.A. Church Warden Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Weddings/Funerals Contacts for All Saints Church Elaine Seretny Nigel Heath Chris Whitehead Tam Pearce Helen Whitehead Anita Lavis Safeguarding Officers Helen Whitehead - Tel: 0117 965 4697 Church Warden Mary Ewing Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Mary Ewing Jenny Macey - Tel: 0117 951 8127 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contacts for St. Mary’s Church Tel: 0117 382 6324 Pete Walker Matt Timms Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hannah Gazeley Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Weddings/Funerals Amy Donaldson Email: [email protected] Safeguarding Officers Kate Hancocks & Clare Munoz 3 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 902 5257 Tel: 0117 965 2893 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 078 0098 7672 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117
14th Fishponds Horticultural Show Saturday 14th August 2021 2pm The Beechwood Club, Beechwood Rd. Fishponds Classes include: Flowers, fruit, vegetables, cookery, crafts & photography, Children’s classes. Light Refreshments, Raffle, Competitions. Admission: £1 Adults - Under 16’s free! Schedules and entry forms available from various outlets including ‘The Pet Shop’, ‘Elmwood Nurseries’, Fishponds Library, Via our website: www.activatefishponds.co.uk (events/horticultural show) or phone 0117 9650442. 4
THE TRANSFIGURATION OF JESUS It’s an unusual story. One day, Jesus is with three disciples on a high mountain in Galilee, when His appearance dramatically changes. Also, Moses and Elijah suddenly appear, and from a cloud comes the voice of God. What is this all about? This event was witnessed by James, Peter, and John. They were close friends of Jesus. In the future, they were to become prominent leaders in the Early Church. They needed to see something special that would help them remember Jesus in the difficult years ahead. They had a glimpse of Christ in His divine glory. His face shone like the sun and His clothes turned white as light. While this was an extraordinary sight for the disciples, it served to encourage Jesus who once had glory and majesty in Heaven. One day He would have it again. But firstly, He had to fulfil His mission: to suffer on the cross and die. Why were Moses and Elijah standing with Jesus? Moses was the giver of the Law and Elijah represented all the prophets. They had pointed people to the promised Messiah. Jesus was about to complete God’s plan of salvation. God’s voice was heard to remind Peter there was no need to build shelters. They were not going to stay on the mountain. God spoke to get the disciples to fix their attention of Jesus. The wonder of the Transfiguration was a short interlude before Jesus had to return to His work and subsequent death on the cross. This story is a reminder that our times of spiritual blessing have to be followed by down-to-earth commitments and responsibilities. In the same way that Jesus gave His friends a glimpse of His awesome glory, to help them face challenging and traumatic times ahead, our special times in His presence are provided to encourage us and equip us for the trials we may have to face. Our journey through life may sometimes rise to the peaks but we can’t stay on a ‘high’ all the time – no matter how much we want 5
it! We have to descend to face everyday challenges if we are to fulfil our calling in Christ. From our mountain-top experiences we all need to find a balance between times alone with God and serving Him in the company of others. (From Parish Pump website) READINGS FOR AUGUST 1st August Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Exodus 16: 2 - 4, 9 - 15; Ephesians 4: 1 - 16; John 6: 24 - 35. 8th Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 1 Kings19: 4 - 8; Ephesians 4: 25 - 5: 2; John 6; 35, 41 - 51. 15th Eleventh Sunday after Trinity (Green). Proverbs 9: 1 - 6; Ephesians 5: 15 - 20; John 6: 51 - 58. 22nd Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Joshua 24: 1 - 2a, 14 - 18; Ephesians 6: 10 - 20; John 6: 56 - 69. 29th Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Deuteronomy 4: 1 - 2, 6 - 9; James 1: 17 - end; Mark 7: 1 - 8, 14 - 15, 21 - 23. 5th September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Isaiah 35: 4 - 7a; James 2: 1 - 10, 14 - 17; Mark 7: 24 - end. Sunday 29th at 10.30am All Saints Church Meeting at All Saints Church Sunday 1st 10.30am Sunday 15th 10.30am All Saints Church With Mark and Chris 6 Something Different – Children / Creation focused – With the Rev’s Lizzie, Janey & Diane
AUGUST PRAYERS ✤ We pray for the UK as it continues to battle with the Covid pandemic. We ask for wisdom across society as we open up in times of rising infections. We pray too for those charged with making decisions about whether or not to vaccinate secondary school children. ✤ We pray for our churches in the benefice, that all our activities this summer would be safe and Covid free. ✤ We remember, too, all whose planned operations or medical treatment has been cancelled or delayed by the pandemic. Give them hope of a resolution. ✤ We continue to remember all those parts of the world where deaths are still out of control, where there are very few vaccines and where there is much suffering. Enable the rich nations to be able to provide vaccines to all who need them, worldwide, as this is the only ultimate protection for everybody. ✤ Help us Lord, at this time, not to forget all others who need our prayers: asylum seekers, the homeless, the persecution we see all across the world, not only of Christians, but others too. The Rohinga in Myanmar, The Uighar Muslims in China, dissidents in North Korea….the list, sadly goes on. We lay all this before you Lord. ✤ We remember all who are sick, especially those with longterm and painful life limiting conditions. Pour out your comforting Holy Spirit and all who are in a particular need. ✤ We pray for anyone going on holiday, that they journey safely, relax and come home again refreshed. SATURDAY LUNCHES @ St. Marys Church Serving light lunches from the main door of the Church on the following Saturdays, 14th & 29th August, 12noon - 2pm Please remember to observe social distancing if in place. 7
What is Pioneer Ministry? At one of our Annual Parish Meetings this year, someone asked me to explain what the ‘pioneer’ bit in my title is. It was one of those moments where someone asks a great question and you really wish you had an equally great and simple answer! That’s because Pioneer Ministry in the Church of England is a relatively recent thing; it’s always adapting and evolving, and can also be very specific to the individual Pioneer Minister. But it was a great question to ask! So, I thought I’d give it the thought it deserved and put together a little article about what Pioneer Ministry is in the Church of England, and what shape it has taken for me over the last few years. A 2004 report called ‘Mission Shaped Church’, identified certain ministers as ‘pioneers’ in that they were working in ways that sought to connect more missionally with their cultural contexts and which enabled new forms of worship and Christian community to develop. Since then, the Church of England has identified others who have the potential to be doing ministry in this way. At some point during the discernment and training process for ministry these people can go to a Panel and have that vocation tested and be officially designated as ‘Pioneer Ministers’. The early definition of a Pioneer Minister was that the main focus of their ministry would be outside of the church with the intention of creating a new Christian community. But, as I say, things have developed since then, and it’s now recognised that there is a wide spectrum of pioneer ministry within the Church of England. This spectrum has varying degrees of ‘cultural distance’ from church, and goes something like this: • On one end of the spectrum, the closest ‘cultural distance’, you would find a replicator – a church-planter - who takes an existing model of church, and simply reproduces it it in another area. 8
• Next, a little further removed, you’d have an adapter who takes an existing model of church but adapts it to a new context. An example of this is Messy Church. • Further along, you have innovators who explore and form relationships with people in specific contexts, or on the fringes, and seek to set up new Christian communities from the ground up – called Fresh Expressions • And finally, those with the largest ‘cultural distance’ from church, are the activists, who inhabit and speak into secular space in the name of God. Ordained Pioneers are fully-fledged Church of England priests and have the same training requirements as any other ‘vicar’, but they are designated as a pioneer to enable their vocation and calling to those beyond the church as well as to those within in it. For me, being designated a Pioneer is both a challenge and a privilege! It’s something that is always taking different expressions and moving along the pioneer spectrum as I go on in my ministry and as I listen and learn from the contexts I find myself in. As an innovator I’ve been involved for many years with people from alternative music subcultures – heavy metal, rock, goth – as well as those who would consider themselves ‘spiritual but not religious’, particularly those with neo-pagan, wiccan and nature-based spiritualities. I host a faith exploration website called The River, which is aimed at ‘the rejected, the rebels, and the raw’, and has (in the past) been a way of supporting people to gather for prayer and reflection in small groups. Before I began my ordination training, I also set up a church group called ‘On this Rock’ for people in the metal and rock community, which has now evolved into Metal Church under new leadership and is growing really well. Alongside this – as an activist I’ve had the privilege of working alongside people of all faiths and none in the area of animal welfare and creation care. I write regularly for an animal welfare 9
magazine called SARX, and had the privilege of being a speaker on the first interfaith panel at London VegFest. Although I have been pioneering for many years, even before I began my journey to ordination, I was always reflecting on the question: “What does it mean for me to be a priest to these people in this place at this time?” The last year with Covid-19 has certainly been a ‘funny one’ in terms of how I have answered that question! Many of the connections, conversations and outlets I have been involved with as a pioneer have been closed or laid dormant. I have really missed my ‘cultural tribe’ on the margins. But, the upside of that has been the opportunity and the joy of spending more time getting the know the wonderful people of All Saints and St Mary’s and building relationships and connections in new ways with you all. Well, that is a bit of whistle-stop tour of pioneering! I hope that has been interesting, and if you want to ask me anything else, please do grab me after a service, or drop me an email on [email protected] Celebrating 200 Years with St Marys This year in 2021 we celebrate the Bi Centennial of St Marys (Trinity Chapel) It has been a place of Christian worship in Fishponds one that has seen baptisms, festivals, harvests, weddings and burials for 200 years. So on the weekend of Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th of September 2021 we will have a programme of an exhibition, tours, music, recitals, cream teas, colouring competitions and worship. We would love you to join us, celebrate with us. Save the date in your diaries. If you have any photographs of St Marys then we would love to see them and scan them so they could form part of our exhibition. Please email Mary Ewing at [email protected] or Tel: 07799 108890 so we can let you know how to join in, or post to Rev. Lizzie Kesteven at 11 Vicars Close, Fishponds, BS16 3TH. Any photos that you want to be returned , please supply a name and address so we can return them to you. 10
‘COLUMBUS’ at your service For all those jobs that you haven’t the time to do!! Window Cleaning Painting ~ Plumbing Carpentry Gardening ~ Decorating Ring for a FREE quote Tel: 0117 939 0529 Mobile: 07954 161 210 For young people from year 7 and upwards. To meet, to talk, learn, pray and have fun together. 1st Sunday of the Month 7.15pm For information contact Nigel on 0117 965 2893 or Revd. Lizzie Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 Reasonable rates. Telephone 11 Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321
COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Across 1. Of Moses (6) 4. ‘You have been weighed on the — and found wanting (Daniel 5:27) (6) 7. Where Jesus performed the first of his miraculous signs (John 2:11) (4) 8. Roman emperor who ordered all the Jews to leave Rome (Acts 18:2) (8) 9. Member of a conservative Jewish party in the Sanhedrin which believed there was no resurrection (Acts 23:8) (8) 13. South London Mission (1,1,1) 16. Sure of one’s own ability (2 Corinthians 11:17) (4-9) 12
17. ‘At this the man’s face fell. He went away — , because he had great wealth’ (Mark 10:22) (3) 19. Airs used (anag.) (8) 24. ‘The Lord is my — , I shall not be in want’ (Psalm 23:1) (8) 25. ‘He has sent me to — up the broken-hearted’ (Isaiah 61:1) (4) 26. At or towards the rear of a ship (6) 27. Cross-carrying evangelist and world traveller, — Blessitt (6) Down 1. Ridicule (Luke 18:32) (4) 2. Encased in strapped-on light shoes (Song of Songs 7:1) (9 3. Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (1,1,1,1,1) 4. ‘Father, give me my — of your estate’ (Luke 15:12) (5) 5. Assistant (4) 6. On a par (John 5:18) (5) 10. Credo (anag.) (5) 11. Beaten with a rod (5) 12. The fourth of Job’s ‘comforters’, who deferred making his contribution because of his junior status (Job 32:6) (5) 13. Chosen as a temple attendant, he was described by Ezra as ‘a capable man’ (Ezra 8:18) (9) 14. ‘Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where — and rust destroy’ (Matthew 6:19) (4) 15. Employs (4) 18. Associated with penitence for sins, along with sackcloth (Matthew 11:21) (5) 20. Association of South-East Asian Nations (1,1,1,1,1) 21. Sub-continent to which Baptist missionary pioneer William Carey devoted his life (5) 22. Recess at east end of a church (4) 23. One of the nine sons of Beriah (1 Chronicles 8:15) (4) 13
All Saints Services and 1st DUTY TIME 8.00am Services 10.30am 8.00am Wardens Readers Prayers Parish Street 10.30am N. Heath / D. Williams C. Powell M. Simms Ridgeway Road St Mary’s Services 1st DUTY TIME 10.00am Services 6.30pm Holy Communion Revd. Janey & Revd Lizzie - Mondays - 8.15am. Zoom Morning Prayer Log on details please email: [email protected] 14 9th Sunday After Trinity - 1st lesson 9th Sunday after Trinity - Holy Communion Revd Lizzie & Revd Diane - 8th 10th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd. Janey & Mark - N. Heath / S. Cook - S. Cook J. Hillier Rosebay Mead 8th 10th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd. Janey & Revd Diane
15th TIME 8.00am 10.30am 8.00am 10.30am Duty Rota for August 22nd 11th Sunday after Trinity - Cafe Church Mark & Chris - N. Heath T.B.A. D. Simms Royate Hill 15th TIME 10.00am 6.30pm 11th Sunday after Trinity - Holy Communion Revd. Janey 12th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd. Janey - E. Seretny / S. Cook - J. Waldren D. Williams Shamrock Road for August 22nd 12th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Janey & Revd Diane - Wednesdays - 9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints All welcome 15 29th 13th Sunday after Trinity - Something Different Children / Creation Rev’s Lizzie, Janey, Diane - T. B. A. Diane / Lizzie Small Lane 29th 13th Sunday after Trinity - T.B.A.
1 x Silver Grey Zero Sport Mobility Scooter; it is 5 years old; in good condition and had been recently checked over by a mobility scooter engineer. The price is £350.00 o.n.o. which includes all accessories such as lights and mirrors, manual and charger. If interested, please contact Wendy Heath on 0117 9393676. DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL In my local church, we use a parish prayer which includes the line: ‘Help us to be brave enough to fail – but try again.’ Encouraging words indeed, and if we look back throughout the centuries, many men and women who have made the world a better place have taken those words to heart. For example, where would we be today without electricity? Yet at school, Thomas Edison was told he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He was sacked from his first two jobs; and made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. But in the end, he succeeded, and changed the course of world history. Car manufacturer Henry Ford revolutionised transport in the USA, but he had five businesses fail before he founded the successful Ford Motor Company. Winston Churchill was a Nobel Prize-winning, twice-elected Prime Minster, but he struggled at school, was defeated in early elections for public office, and did not become Prime Minister until he was 62. As the late Nelson Mandela wisely observed: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” So, let us commit ourselves to loving God with all our hearts, to putting our abilities at His disposal, and to never giving up. by Colin Hammacott. (Parish Pump Website) 16
J. B. LANDSCAPES General Build and Maintenance Nick Tuftnell Counsellor Fully qualified BACP registered and based locally 07988 136267 tangate-counselling.co.uk [email protected] Tel: 0117 939 1316 Mob: 07792 097 234 [email protected] www.jblandscapesbristol.co.uk A family run business. James Bufton Qualified Landscaper kitchens Bathrooms Wetrooms loft conversations From concept to completion for all aspects of home build & renovation [email protected] 07748 397329 local family business 17
EASY SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) MEDIUM Food & Drink SAVE THE DATE! Clothing When is chocolate good, and when is it really good? We have learned a lot about the environmental impacts of the things we buy, but do you ever wonder about the other impacts on people and creation of how things are made, or what they are made of? Come along to our Ethical Buying Workshop at All Saints on Saturday 18th September when we will explore some of the ethics of a typical ‘shopping basket’ for our churches and homes. You will get the chance to try some products – including chocolate! - and learn about how with a few simple changes our buying habits can not only do less harm, but actually do some real good for the planet and for those we share it with. All are welcome! Details to follow in next month’s magazine, so Save the Date…. If you would like to get involved in planning the workshops, or helping out on the day, that would be great! Please email Rev’d Janey on [email protected] Health & Beauty 18
ALL IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST 250 years ago, on 15th August 1771, that Sir Walter Scott, Scottish historical novelist, poet, and playwright was born. His best-known works include Ivanhoe and Rob Roy. 125 years ago, on 17th August 1896, that the death of the first person killed in a motor accident in the UK took place. Bridget Driscoll was crossing a road in the grounds of London’s Crystal Palace when she was hit by a car giving demonstration rides. By way of contrast, Brake.org.uk report that nowadays, an average of five people a day die on UK roads. 90 years ago, on 19th August 1931, that the Yangtze River and Huai River floods peaked in China. It was one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th century; up to four million people died, and the floods lasted from July to November. 80 years ago, on 15th August 1941, that the German spy Josef Jakobs became the last person to be executed at the 19 Tower of London. (He had parachuted into Britain during WWII.) 75 years ago, on 16th August 1946, that the Great Calcutta Killings took place in Kolkata India. Muslim and Hindu mobs rioted across the city following the Muslim League’s demand for the creation of Pakistan. More than 4,000 people were killed and 100,000 left homeless. The riot sparked further religious violence in other provinces, leading to the Partition of India in August 1947. 60 years ago, on 13th August 1961, that East Germany sealed off the border between East and West Berlin to prevent the exodus of refugees to the West. Initially barbed wire fences were erected; construction of the Berlin Wall began on 15th August. The border reopened in 1989. 50 years ago, on 9th August 1971, that Northern Ireland introduced internment, the power to detain suspected
terrorists indefinitely without trial. 40 years ago, on 25th August 1981, that the US space probe Voyager 2 reached Saturn and sent back images and data. It travelled to Uranus (1986) and Neptune (1989) before reaching interstellar space in 2018. 43 years after launching, it is more than 11.8 billion miles from earth, but remains operational. 30 years ago, on 6th August 1991, that the first website (info.cern.ch) went live. The web’s inventor, Tim Berners Lee, also posted a description of the World Wide Web project on the alt.hypertext newsgroup, and provided a link to download the first web browser, which could only run on NeXT workstations. ST. MARY’S CHURCHYARD GARDENING GROUP Every Monday from10am till 12noon A group meet up to do a spot of gardening and tidying up in the grounds. You are very welcome to come along and join us, but please bring your own refreshments and to social distance when gardening. 20 25 years ago, on 28th August 1996, that Prince Charles and Princess Diana were divorced after 15 years of marriage. No longer a ‘Royal Highness’, Princess Diana was now called Diana, Princess of Wales. 20 years ago, on 6th August 2001, that US President George W Bush received a daily briefing that warned Osama bin Laden was determined to strike in the USA. (This was six weeks before the 9/11 terrorist attacks.) 10 years ago, 21st-29th August 2011 that Hurricane Irene hit the Caribbean and made landfall in North Carolina. 49 people were killed and over $14 billion worth of damage was caused. MONTHLY COFFEE MORNING Saturday 7th August 10am to 12noon Second books to buy for adults and children Hope you can pay us a visit (NB. There will be no cakes on sale)
All Saints Family Café As part of our schools connection and as a benefice we are continuing to run sessions through August. This is to help support families during the summer and will include food, crafts and games. If you are interested in helping out, you can choose what day, do a whole session, or half a session (2 hours) and select what you would like to help with. The sessions run on a Tuesday and Thursday, dates below: August 3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th, 17th, 19th, 24th, 26th. Each session will run from 3.00am - 7.00pm. If you are interested please contact one of the following:Rev Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 9650865 / Mob: 07973917720 John Waldren, volunteer coordinator Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 9563208 / Mob: 07970970436 Filling the Holiday Hunger Gap Thank You Olive from St. Mary’s would like to say a ‘huge thank you’ to everyone for all the delicious cakes that were brought along for the occasion of celebrating the Ordination of Diane Simms on Sunday 4th July. 21 Reverend Diane
Changing the Climate: Applying the Bible in a climate emergency. By Debbie Hawker and David Hawker, and Jamie Hawker, BRF, £9.99 This book considers a series of Bible passages, unpacked to show the Bible’s relevance to environmentalism, and how we can all play our part in limiting the negative effects of climate change. The climate crisis is one of the most important issues of our time, threatening lives and livelihoods. The Bible teaches us that God the creator put humans on the Earth to take care of it; to show love to all, and to care for the poor and vulnerable. Planet Protectors – 52 Ways to Look after God’s World By Paul Kerensa and Ruth Valerio, SPCK, £6.91 This is a good book for summer reading. It is a fun, fact-filled book for 7-to-9-year-olds that offers 52 ‘empowering’ ways to become Planet Protectors that look after God’s world. The book is a blend of interesting facts, Christian theology and practical tips on how to help the environment by living sustainably. The ideas for looking after the world include cycling more, choosing fair-trade, taking shorter showers, and recycling. Children will love taking up a different challenge each week. GUIDING Meet on a Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Church, Manor Road For more information on this Guiding Troop go the following website https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/ For the Guides look for ‘176th Fishponds Methodist (Bristol) And Rainbows and Brownies look for 1st Fromeside Rainbows & 176th (Fishponds) Bristol Brownies 22
WORD SEARCH The Transfiguration On 6 August the Church remembers the Transfiguration of Jesus. The story is told in Matthew 17, Mark 9 and Luke 9. The mountain may well have been one of the three high spurs of Mount Hermon, which rises to 9,000 feet. Jesus was suddenly transfigured before Peter, James and John. His face began to shine as the sun, his garments became white and dazzling. Then Elijah and Moses appeared, but why? These two men represent the Law and the Prophets of the Old Covenant, or Old Testament. But both the Law and the Prophets found their true and final fulfilment in Jesus, the Messiah. Elijah and Moses were handing on the baton, if you like. Now God’s dwelling with mankind would depend on the New Covenant based on Jesus’ death on the cross. Transfigu Ration Mountain Peter James John Radiant Beloved Son Well Pleased Dwelling Mankind New Covenant 23 Face Exodus Mount Sinai Sealing Moses Law Elijah Prophets
What: Would you like to explore your faith, deepen your commitment and learn with others? Exploring Christianity is a course for all Christians to grow in discipleship. Come willing to share your experience and to listen with an open mind. (If you are a very new Christian or want to find out more about faith, we suggest you try Alpha or a Foundations course first.) How: People meet weekly in a home or church. Each student receives a Study Guide with preparation to complete each week – reading, thinking and reflecting – which is discussed at the tutorial. The tutor will also provide additional activities for the group. Some students will complete assignments, although these are optional. This course also fulfils the first two years of training for those exploring Licensed Lay Ministry. Do it: Find out more via: www.bristol.anglican.org/churchlife/exploringvoc ations/exploringchristianity There are 6 modules exploring a breadth of areas from Spirituality and Prayer, the Bible, Christian Ethics and more. Each module costs £50 (or £25 if not doing assignments) and all six modules are usually completed over a two-year period. A limited bursary scheme for those students who experience financial hardship is available. Please write to the Exploring Christianity Administrator in confidence. For information, contact the Course Administrator, Claire Eade, at [email protected] 24 I have been inspired! You meet new people with different backgrounds, and learn about different styles of worship.” It has given me confidence in what I believed, and in myself.” It enlarges your mind. We revisited stories I knew well, but gaining a greater perspective.” A lot of trust built up in the group.” Groups begin in September across the Diocese. It is anticipated that there will be two groups based in Bristol, one in North Wilts and one in Swindon (exact day of the week depends on the venue). There will also be a diocesan zoom group which will meet twice a term in person with further sessions by zoom. For details of a course near you, or to enroll, please contact the Course Administrator at: [email protected] Tel: 0117 906 0100 WE ARE THE DIOCESE OF BRISTOL
“Dear Sainsbury’s local, Thank you to all the managers and staff at the local Sainsbury’s store in Fishponds who have been so kind and generous to St. Marys’ Church before and throughout the pandemic. The gifts of flowers bring such pleasure and joy, as was the representation of Staff when you joined the gardening team. Many thanks and blessing to you all. St Marys (on behalf of us all - Olive Abbey and Revd Lizzie) Poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882) “This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.” Sent in by one of our readers Prayer for the new day Dear Father, In this strangest of summers, with its traffic-light travel restrictions and on-going concerns about Covid 19, help us to remember that You never change. Your light is constant. Your love continues. Your presence is assured, whether we stay at home, or travel within the UK, or further afield. There are no restrictions on Your Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, for the gift of each new day, wherever we may be. Thank You that by Your grace, we share all our days with You, secure in all circumstances, when we put our trust in Your precious son, Jesus Christ. In His name we pray. Amen. By Daphne Kitching 25
FROM THE EDITOR Well here we are in the holiday month, a time for going away so that you relax and all being well come back refreshed. I hope that you are able to have a break away. Even though restriction have been lifted, we should all still take care, but at the same time be respectful to how others approach it. At this time I would just like to say a quick ‘thank you’ to those who popped into the Coffee Morning last month, it was good to see you and it enabled us to get back into the swing, even with social distancing. Hope you can make it this month (August). Plenty to read, every time I thought I’d added all the articles, I would remember that there was something else, so did quite a bit of jiggling around, but got there in the end. Which brings me to the deadline for the September issue, this will be Sunday 15th August, articles can be emailed to [email protected] or given to me at a 10.30am service. Don’t forget the Horticulture Show, maybe put in one or two exhibits, but do pop in and take a look. What ever you are doing this month, hope you have a good time. ANSWERS TO THIS MONTHS CROSSWORD & SUDOKU’S 26 E A S Y M E D I U M ACROSS 1 Mosaic; 4 Scales; 7 Cana; 8 Claudius; 9 Sadducee; 13 SLM; 16 Self-confident; 17 Sad; 19 Radiuses; 24 Shepherd; 25 Bind; 26 Astern; 27 Arthur. DOWN 1 Mock; 2 Sandalled; 3 CICCU; 4 Share; 5 Aide; 6 Equal; 10 Décor;11 Caned; 12 Elihu; 13 Sherebiah; 14 Moth; 15 Uses; 18 Ashes; 20 ASEAN; 21 India; 22 Apse; 23 Eder.
Roles & Contacts for All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Members Luci Heath Anita Lavis Tam Pearce Mark Simms Diane Simms John Waldren Alison Wren Elisa Williams Chris Whitehead Dave Williams Deanery Synod Representatives Chris Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tiny Tots John Waldren Tel: 0117 956 3208 Gift Aid Chris Whitehead Anita Lavis Mike Lavis Vacant Junior Church Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Electoral Roll Helen Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Magazine Editor / Adverts Tel: 0117 307 9117 Hall Booking Secretary Elisa Williams Tel: 079 7395 3445 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roles & Contacts for St. Marys Church Matt Timms Parochial Church Council Members John Ewing Hannah Gazeley Sam Toogood Director of Music / Choir John Anson Tel: 0117 962 2093 General Enquiries Matt Timms [email protected] 27 Edward Gleed Deanery Synod Representatives Leigh Cooper Wives Group Jean Button Tel: 0117 965 0218 Notes / News / Weekly Sheet Sam Toogood [email protected] Bob Bartlett Andrew Cooper
Do you need somewhere to hold a celebration or meeting? ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY HALL Part of the Parish of All Saints Church Could be your answer It can cater for small or medium size function. Has kitchen facilities, plus adequate on site parking Our rates are very competitive. For details please contact Elisa Tel: 0117 9584164 / 07973 953445 Or visit our web site: www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk You are very welcome to view before booking. 28
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