AUGUST PRAYERS ✤ We pray for the UK as it continues to battle with the Covid pandemic. We ask for wisdom across society as we open up in times of rising infections. We pray too for those charged with making decisions about whether or not to vaccinate secondary school children. ✤ We pray for our churches in the benefice, that all our activities this summer would be safe and Covid free. ✤ We remember, too, all whose planned operations or medical treatment has been cancelled or delayed by the pandemic. Give them hope of a resolution. ✤ We continue to remember all those parts of the world where deaths are still out of control, where there are very few vaccines and where there is much suffering. Enable the rich nations to be able to provide vaccines to all who need them, worldwide, as this is the only ultimate protection for everybody. ✤ Help us Lord, at this time, not to forget all others who need our prayers: asylum seekers, the homeless, the persecution we see all across the world, not only of Christians, but others too. The Rohinga in Myanmar, The Uighar Muslims in China, dissidents in North Korea….the list, sadly goes on. We lay all this before you Lord. ✤ We remember all who are sick, especially those with longterm and painful life limiting conditions. Pour out your comforting Holy Spirit and all who are in a particular need. ✤ We pray for anyone going on holiday, that they journey safely, relax and come home again refreshed. SATURDAY LUNCHES @ St. Marys Church Serving light lunches from the main door of the Church on the following Saturdays, 14th & 29th August, 12noon - 2pm Please remember to observe social distancing if in place. 7

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