God, go with us. Help us to be an honour to the church. Give us the grace to follow Christ’s word, To be clear in our task and careful in our speech. Give us open hands and joyful hearts. Let Christ be on our lips. May our lives reflect a love of truth and compassion. Let no one come to us and go away sad. May we offer hope to the poor, and solace to the disheartened. Let us so walk before God’s people, That those who follow us might come into his kingdom. Let us sow living seeds, words that are quick with life, that faith may be the harvest in people’s hearts. In word and in example let your light shine In the dark like the morning star. Do not allow the wealth of the world or its enchantment flatter us into silence as to your truth. Do not permit the powerful, or judges, or our dearest friends to keep us from professing what is right. Amen Rachel Held Evans (Searching for Sunday) Adapted prayer of Alcuin of York (735-804AD) ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Sunday 3rd April 2022 This meeting will be taking place after our morning service at approximately 12noon. This is the time when we nominate and vote for PCC Members and Wardens. If you are interested in any of these roles, please speak to Revd Lizzie or Elaine our present warden. Every year the Church Electoral Roll needs to be revised before the Annual Church Meeting, if you would like to vote or would like your name added on the Roll, please speak to Helen Whitehead, either in person, by telephone on 01179654697 or by email on 8
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