FEBRUARY 2022 B E N E F I C E M A G A Z I N E ALL SAINTS Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk “Come Gather, Come Worship, Come As You Are” ST. MARY’S Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol Holding Together In Hope www.stmarysfishponds.org.uk 70p
All Saints Church Fishponds DONATE* Please help us to keep the Church, Hall and Grounds safe for safe for this and future use. You can donate in the following way TEXT HQJB01 to 70331 to give £3 HQJB01 to 70970 to give £5 HQJB01 to 70191 to give £10 OR GO TO http://easydonate.org/HQJB01 You can scan this code bar to take you to the donate site *Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). *For Terms and Conditions, see www.easydonate.org St. Mary’s Church Fishponds Giving Our church is funded almost entirely by donations and fund raising. We provide several different ways of giving to enable people to give in a way that they are happy with. Some do standing orders and the envelope scheme. For those who don’t carry cash anymore, or who have forgotten their wallet we have a card reader in church which can take card payments including contactless, apple pay and google pay. You can also use this QR Code code that will take you to our donation page. Beavers Monday’s 6.15pm Tel: 0117 958 4164 Contacts for Scouting Groups Cubs Thursday’s 6.45pm East Bristol Partnership Office Co-ordinator Amy Donaldson Tel: 0117 958 6412 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ebpbristol.org.uk 2 Scouts Thursday’s 8.00pm Tel: 078 5452 0595 www.13thbristolscouts.uk
CONTACTS for the BENEFICE of ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH Vicar Revd. Lizzie Kesteven - Tel: 0117 965 0856 Curates Revd. Janey Hiller - Tel: 0117 239 0625 Revd. Diane Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader Mark Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader & Permission to Officiate Graham Biddlecombe - Tel: T.B.A. Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Weddings/Funerals Contacts for All Saints Church Elaine Seretny Chris Whitehead Tam Pearce Anita Lavis Tel: 0117 902 5257 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 078 0098 7672 Revd Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Safeguarding Officer Helen Whitehead - Tel: 0117 965 4697 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contacts for St. Mary’s Church Church Warden Mary Ewing Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Mary Ewing Tel: 0117 382 6324 Pete Walker Matt Timms Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hannah Gazeley Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Weddings/Funerals Amy Donaldson Email: [email protected] Safeguarding Officers Kate Hancocks & Clare Munoz 3 Email: [email protected]
Canon Paul Hardingham from Parish Pump Website for church magazines, considers the nature of true love. God So Loved the World ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.’ (John 3:16) This month, as we mark St Valentines’ Day, we focus on the importance of love. In understanding the way God loves us, this verse shows us how we should love others. God’s love is unconditional: God demonstrated His unconditional love for us by sending His Son into this world, to show us how we should love others, especially when it is undeserved! ‘There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less.’ (Philip Yancey). God’s love is sacrificial: God’s love is not selfish or self-seeking, but selfless and self-sacrificial, putting the needs of others first. This is demonstrated by the cross, which is the supreme demonstration of God’s love. He died for our sins to give us access to God’s love, which is made real in our lives by the Holy Spirit. God’s love is forgiving: According to the film Love Story, ‘Love means never having to say you’re sorry.’ Yet Jesus’ love for us enables us to forgive others, as we find His forgiveness through the gift of eternal life, available to all who put their trust in Him. In this World Cup Year, we remember Bobby Moore describing the terror of receiving the World Cup from the Queen in 1966: “I noticed that the Queen was wearing some beautiful white gloves. I looked down at my hands and they were completely covered with mud!” Although we approach God with dirty and spoilt lives, because of His love, we can shake hands with a holy God and share that love with others. 4
FEBRUARY READINGS for ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH 6th Fourth Sunday before Lent (Green) Isaiah 6: 1 - 8; 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 11; Luke 5: 1 - 11 13th Third Sunday before Lent (Green) Jeremiah 17: 5 - 10; 1 Corinthians 15: 12 - 20: Luke 6: 17 - 26. 20th Second Sunday before Lent (Green) Genesis 2: 4 - 9, 15 - end; Revelations 4:1 - end; Luke 8: 22 - 25. 27th The Sunday next before Lent (Green) Exodus 34: 29 - end; 2 Corinthians 3: 12 - 4: 2; Luke 9: 28 - 36. 2nd March ASH WEDNESDAY (Purple) Isaiah 58: 1 - 12; 2 Corinthians 5: 20 - 6:10; John 8: 1 - 11. 6th March First Sunday of Lent (Purple) Deuteronomy 26: 1 - 11; Romans 10: 8 - 13; Luke 4: 1 - 13. Thursdays - 10.00am Holy Communion St. Marys Refreshments after the service Sunday 2nd 10.00am, Open Church St. Marys Sunday 13th 10.30am All Saints Church Sunday 27th Café Church Bible Study ….. looking to Lent All Saints 10.30am 5 Begins on 2nd March Sunday 30th 10.00am Creative Church @ St. Marys
FEBRUARY PRAYER PAGE • We continue to remember our ministry at All Saints and St Mary, in Fishponds, and especially now following the sudden death of Nigel Heath, one of the All Saints churchwardens. We thank God for Nigel’s ministry, and we surround and uphold his family, at this really sad and difficult time, with prayer. We ask, for them, a special measure of God’s Holy Spirit to uphold and sustain them, now and in the months and years ahead. • We pray for all who live in the Fishponds Community who are ill, depressed or suffering, give them healing, hope and courage. We ask God to bless them. • We remember the suffering in Afghanistan, and we pray for generosity of giving towards those who are starving. We pray for wisdom of those who govern the country, that ways to get the aid to where it is needed, will be established. • We remember the Climate Emergency. We ask for determination and wisdom from Governments in the steering of the climate agenda. We ask that God would help us as individuals, to make our own individual contribution, however small to help make necessary change for a better planet. • Help us to love each other, and to always seek out that which unites us. Let us bless each other using this blessing. May the peace of the Lord Christ go with you, wherever He may send you. May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm. May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you. May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors. The Northumbria Community.© 6
Friday 4th March 2pm Argyle Morley URC Church 131 Whitefield Road, Speedwell, Bristol BS5 7UB “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU” Jeremiah 29: 11 Prepared by Christian women from England, Wales and Northern Ireland Theme of the service is HOPE HOPE is depicted through the lighting of candles, the distribution of seeds and the exchange of message worldwide via social media using hashtag #WDP hope. All are welcome to this service, including men and children. All Saints Church & St. Marys Church SAFEGUARDING TRAINING COURSE Saturday 19th March 2022 All Saints Community Link Room 9.30am - 12noon This is for all who work with children and vulnerable adults and PCC members. If you attended this course in 2019 or anyone who has done DBS since, needs to attend to this course to update their training. Please contact Helen our Safeguarding Officer on 0117 9654697 if you are attended this course. Thank you. LIVING AFTER LOSS Have you had to face a loss? Bereavement / Retirement / Health Problems / Redundancy etc. Do you need to talk? You are very welcome to come and talk to friendly people over refreshments at St. Mary’s Church Parish Rooms Friday 4th, & 18th February, 11am - 12noon For information please contact Revd. Lizzie 0117 9650 856 7
God, go with us. Help us to be an honour to the church. Give us the grace to follow Christ’s word, To be clear in our task and careful in our speech. Give us open hands and joyful hearts. Let Christ be on our lips. May our lives reflect a love of truth and compassion. Let no one come to us and go away sad. May we offer hope to the poor, and solace to the disheartened. Let us so walk before God’s people, That those who follow us might come into his kingdom. Let us sow living seeds, words that are quick with life, that faith may be the harvest in people’s hearts. In word and in example let your light shine In the dark like the morning star. Do not allow the wealth of the world or its enchantment flatter us into silence as to your truth. Do not permit the powerful, or judges, or our dearest friends to keep us from professing what is right. Amen Rachel Held Evans (Searching for Sunday) Adapted prayer of Alcuin of York (735-804AD) ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING Sunday 3rd April 2022 This meeting will be taking place after our morning service at approximately 12noon. This is the time when we nominate and vote for PCC Members and Wardens. If you are interested in any of these roles, please speak to Revd Lizzie or Elaine our present warden. Every year the Church Electoral Roll needs to be revised before the Annual Church Meeting, if you would like to vote or would like your name added on the Roll, please speak to Helen Whitehead, either in person, by telephone on 01179654697 or by email on 8
[email protected]. This should be done by Sunday 13th March. Also if you run a group within the Church, would you please begin to look at writing your reports for the year 2021 and emailing them to [email protected] by Wednesday 9th March, this will enable the report booklet to be out and read before the meeting. “ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS….……” We are delighted to tell you that we collected a huge pile of toys and gifts underneath our Christmas tree in the side aisle of Church in December. These were sorted into suitable gifts for children aged 0-16 for our chosen charities – Barnardo’s and Bristol Young Carers. Working at quite a rush, we were able to deliver the gifts to the Young Carers’ Offices before Christmas, so that they could be placed in hampers ready for distribution on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Due to Covid restrictions, we were unable to get the gifts to Barnardo’s in the same way, as their staff were working from home. The gifts are now being stored safely at our houses until we can deliver them safely. Thanks must go to Tom Young who sorted and packed all the gifts, and to Carol and Graham Bath, who helped deliver them to the Vassal Centre. Also, we must thank Amy Goodwin, coordinator of the All Saints Café, who used all her networking skills to present us with two huge sacks of gifts for these worthy causes. It is heartwarming to see the generosity of many people in the Fishponds Community who helped to achieve a successful outcome in these troubling times. Many many thanks….. John Waldren and the Tiny Tots Team. 9
Five famous quotes from Desmond Tutu The recent death of Archbishop Desmond Tutu was mourned around the world. Here are five of his more famous quotes, which show why he was so especially honoured for his justice and reconciliation work in South Africa. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” “Forgiving is not forgetting; it’s actually remembering – remembering and not using your right to hit back. It’s a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you don’t want to repeat what happened.” “Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument. Good sense does not always lie with the loudest shouters, nor can we say that a large, unruly crowd is always the best arbiter of what is right.” “Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realise our need of one another.” “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” For young people from year 7 upwards, to meet, talk, learn, pray and have fun together. Meet on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 7.15pm Contact Revd. Lizzie for details Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a warm friendly group today! Groups now fully open Mondays 6.30pm & Tuesdays 9.30pm The Beechwood Club, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TR Contact Claire on 0779 1574 353 www.slimmingworld.co.uk 10
ST. MARYS CHURCH Saturday 5th March from 10am for Coffee and biscuits provided but please bring your own equipment as we don’t have enough for everyone!! ST MARYS FUNDRAISING TOTALS FOR 2021 They were very successful with their fundraising last year and made the following donations to these charities:Helping the Homeless £560 Caring @ Christmas £300 Childrens Society £55 Incredible Kids £560 Christian Aid £180 Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 11 Reasonable rates. Telephone Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321
COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Across 1. ‘If you love those who love you, what — is that to you?’ (Luke 6:32) (6) 4. ‘They threw the ship’s — overboard’ (Acts 27:19) (6) 7. The first murderer (Genesis 4:8) (4) 8. He was the head Levite in charge of the singing when the ark of God was brought back to Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 15:22) (8) 9. Samson was noted for this (Judges 16:6) (8) 13. Solicit money or food from passers by (Acts 3:2) (3) 16.What William Booth’s Christian Mission became in 1878 (9,4) 17. Alliance of Religions and Conservation (1,1,1) 19. ‘I will praise your name for ever and ever. — — I will praise you’ (Psalm 145:1–2) (5,3) 12
24. Simon had (anag.) (8) 25. Desperate (Deuteronomy 28:48) (4) 26. Elisha witnessed the boy he was seeking to resuscitate do this seven times before opening his eyes (2 Kings 4:35) (6) 27. The belly and thighs of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream were made of this (Daniel 2:32) (6) Down 1. ‘Before the — crows, you will disown me three times’ (Matthew 26:75) (4) 2. Relating to the books of the Bible between Acts and Revelation (9) 3. ‘They have — the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!’ (John 20:2) (5) 4. Belief (5) 5. ‘Take the following fine spices: ... 250 shekels of fragrant — ’ (Exodus 30:23) (4) 6. ‘Do not — Jerusalem, but wait for the gift’ (Acts 1:4) (5) 10. A seer (anag.) (5) 11. ‘Even there your hand will — me’ (Psalm 139:10) (5) 12. The wild variety was part of John the Baptist’s diet (Mark 1:6) (5) 13. A non-Greek speaker who was looked down on by civilized people (Colossians 3:11) (9) 14. Famous 1950s musical whose characters included members of 16 Across, — and Dolls (4) 15. The province from which Paul wrote to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 16:19) (4) 18. ‘He was standing in the gateway with a linen cord and a measuring — — his hand’ (Ezekiel 40:3) (3,2) 20. ‘Today, if you hear his — , do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion’ (Hebrews 3:15) (5) 21. The Jericho prostitute who hid two Israelite spies on the roof of her house (Hebrews 11:31) (5) 22. ‘And now these three remain: faith, — and love. But the greatest of these is love’ (1 Corinthians 13:13) (4) 23. ‘God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end’ (Daniel 5:26) (4) 13
All Saints Services and 6th DUTY TIME 8.00am Services 10.30am Wardens Sidesperson Readers 8.00am Holy Communion Revd Lizzie - Messy/Muddy Church Revd Lizzie & Elisa M. Lavis 10.30am G. Smith / C. Whitehead E. Seretny / G. Smith 10.30am C. Edwards-Mlangwa C. Whitehead B. Pearce 1st lesson 10.30am 2nd lesson Prayers Parish Street A. Wren D. Williams Colston Dale St Mary’s Services 6th DUTY TIME 10.00am Services 6.30pm Wednesdays - 9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Choral Evensong Candlemas Revd Lizzie ALL SAINTS 6th February 10.30am 14 St. Marys - 27th February 10.00am 4th Sunday before Lent Open Church Revd Diane - - T. B. A. Cromwell Hide 13th 3rd Sunday before Lent Holy Communion Revd Paul Denyer 4th Sunday before Lent - 13th 3rd Sunday before Lent Holy Communion Revd Lizzie
Duty Rota for February 20th 27th TIME 8.00am 10.30am 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 2nd Sunday before Lent - Holy Communion Revd Janey - Sunday next before Lent Holy Communion Revd Lizzie Bible Study Mark & Chris M. Lavis 10.30am D. Williams / C. Whitehead E. Seretny / D. Williams C. Powell E. Williams 10.30am R. Edwards-Mlangwa M. Simms Drummond Road 20th TIME 10.00am 6.30pm 2nd Sunday before Lent Creative Church Revd Diane Holy Communion Revd Janey T.B.A. T.B.A. D. Simms Dubbers Lane for February 27th Sunday next before Lent Holy Communion Revd Lizzie - For children aged 7+ and upwards. Meet on a Friday in All Saints Church from 6.30pm till 7.15pm 15 6th March 1st Sunday of Lent - Holy Communion - T.B.A. A. Lavis C. Powell D. Williams C. Doyle Dunkirk Road 6th March 1st Sunday of Lent Open Church T.B.A. St. Mary’s Church Friday’s 7pm New members are welcomed
J. B. LANDSCAPES General Build and Maintenance Nick Tuftnell Counsellor Fully qualified BACP registered and based locally 07988 136267 tangate-counselling.co.uk [email protected] Tel: 0117 939 1316 Mob: 07792 097 234 [email protected] www.jblandscapesbristol.co.uk A family run business. James Bufton Qualified Landscaper kitchens Bathrooms Wetrooms loft conversations From concept to completion for all aspects of home build & renovation [email protected] 07748 397329 local family business 16
This Christmas we played, created, made healthy snacks, ate a delicious curry, and had a visit from Santa with 15 families including 33 children. This was achieved by 10 volunteers and generous support from our partners. Thank you! “ The food is always helpful as it can be challenging to cook during school holidays. The activities are helpful to get us to spend quality time together.” “ Me and the kids loved it. They thoroughly enjoyed making the pasties and playing games. And obviously Santa. The curry was gorgeous! Thank you ever so much for the food box, it’ll be very helpful for us.” “ I wasn’t sure if my son would enjoy it as he has autism & dyslexia but he had a brilliant time, he loved making xmas hats, tattoos and seeing Santa. All the food was lovely. Thank you for these lovely events, they really help me and the kids and gets me to do things together as a family.” “It was brilliant, the food was excellent, activities were good for all ages, the Christmas arts & crafts they enjoyed making. Santa and gifts were so kind, it was well organised, thank you again”. If you would like to get involved, we’re looking for people that can help us be creative with food or activities. So please get in touch with Amy… Email: [email protected] Tel: 07749 812131 With special thanks to: 17
‘COLUMBUS’ at your service For all those jobs that you haven’t the time to do!! Window Cleaning Painting ~ Plumbing Carpentry Gardening ~ Decorating Ring for a FREE quote Tel: 0117 939 0529 Mobile: 07954 161 210 All Saints Monthly COFFEE MORNING Saturday 5th February 10am - 12noon All Saints Church, Grove Road Second hand fiction books for adults and children to buy All proceeds go to Church Fabric EASY SATURDAY LUNCHES @ St. Marys Church Every Saturday from 12noon - 2pm Free light lunches of soup, sandwiches, tea/coffee, and biscuits. All are welcome. Meet Monday’s during term time from 10.30am til 12noon Children from birth to 4years of age welcome along with their parents, grandparents or carers. A morning listening to a story, singing, craft time then refreshments and play time. For more information contact Cynthia on 0117 965 1849 SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) MEDIUM 18
Christian Basics No 2: What’s wrong with the world? ‘How can a God of love allow suffering?’ Many people struggle with such questions, however the Bible helps us to understand how sin affects both our own lives and the world. Genesis provides us with a picture of how sin entered the world. In Genesis 2:16-17, God gave Adam and Eve both permission (‘You are free to eat from any tree in the garden’) and a prohibition (‘But you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’), alongside warning them of the consequences of disobedience (‘For when you eat of it you will surely die’). In Genesis 3, they broke God’s law by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. As a result, their eyes were opened to the nature of sin (they knew shame) and their relationship with God was broken (they hid from Him). As a consequence, death entered their lives. This story reminds us that God gives us free will (an essential aspect of being human) to choose whether God will be at the centre of our lives or not. The Bible offers different ways of describing how sin: a spirit of independence: we don’t want God to interfere with our lives, preferring our own ideas, plans and ways of behaviour. ignoring the Maker’s instructions: if you ignore user instructions, you only have yourself to blame when things go wrong! God created us to function with Him at the centre of our lives. missing the mark: we fail an exam even when we miss the pass mark by one mark: ‘All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23). In a famous correspondence in The Times under the title ‘What’s wrong with the world?’ GK Chesterton’s letter simply said: ‘Dear Sir, I am.’ (Paul Hardingham begins this year-long series on the very foundations of our Christian faith.) (Material taken from Parish Pump, web site for Church Magazines). 19
150 Churchyard Group “Have you ever walked through St Marys Churchyard and thought how lovely it is, a little oasis of green in the middle of Fishponds, or you may visit it to lay flowers in memory of a loved one. It is cared for by a willing band of volunteers who meet every Monday morning between 10am and noon. However we also need professional help to look after the many specimen trees and so you can support us and have a bit of fun at the same time by joining the 150 Churchyard Group. The membership is £12 per year and every 2 months we draw out 3 names to win a 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize of £25, £10 or £5 . In June and December, there are bonus prizes of £50 each. If you would like more information, or a membership form, please contact - Mary Ewing Tel: 07799 108890 or Email: [email protected]” List of prize winners from 2021 2021 1st Prize January March May July 2nd Prize Mrs. S. Bartlett Given back to church September Mrs. M. Bennett A. Risdale A. Noble T. Telfer 3rd Prize Mrs. M. Dawson Given back to church Mrs. M. Mayhew G. Bowen T. Carter A. Cooper S. Bennett November Given back to church Mrs. V. Stevens Bonus Prizes Mrs. L. Apperley D. Godfrey P. Moncrieff June - Mrs. M. Batten. December - Mrs. K. Liddington St. Mary’s Churchyard Gardening Group Meet every Monday from 10am till 12noon To do a spot of gardening and tidying up the grounds You are very welcome to come and join them. Tea & biscuits provided 20
ALL IN THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY 175 years ago, on 11th Feb 1847 that Thomas Edison, American inventor and businessman was born. Best known for inventing the first practical incandescent light bulb, phonograph, movie camera and projector, and many more. 100 years ago, on 8th Feb 1922 that the first radio was installed in the White House. 90 years ago, on 27th Feb 1932 that British physicist James Chadwick announced his discovery of the neutron subatomic particle in the journal Nature. He was awarded the 1935 Nobel Prize for Physics for his discovery. 80 years ago, on 8th Feb 1942 that the Battle of Singapore took place. The Japanese then occupied Singapore until September 1945. This is regarded as the worst disaster in British military history, with about 80,000 British, Indian and Australian troops captured. 75 years ago, on 7th Feb 1947 that the first of the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves in Khirbat Qumran (now in the West Bank, Palestine). 21 70 years ago, on 6th Feb 1952 that Princess Elizabeth ascended the throne following the death of her father, King George VI. She was in Kenya at the time and became the first Sovereign in over 200 years to accede while abroad. 65 years ago, on 16th Feb 1957 that the Toddlers’ Truce was abolished in Britain. During the Truce, television admissions closed down for an hour so that young children could be put to bed. Children’s programming ended at 6pm and adult programming began at 7pm. 60 years ago, on 20th Feb 1962 that John Glenn became the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth. He made three orbits in the space capsule Friendship 7. 50 years ago, on 9th Feb 1972 that the British Government declared a state of emergency over the miners’ strike which began in January. From 16th February, electricity supplies to homes and businesses were cut off for up to nine hours a day. The strike ended on 25th February.
Also 50 years ago, on 18th Feb 1972 that the House of Commons voted narrowly in favour (by eight votes) of joining the Common Market (now the European Union). 30 years ago, on 20th Feb 1992 that the English Premier League was founded, superseding the first division of the Football League. 25 years ago, on 22nd Feb 1997 that scientists at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh announced that they had successfully cloned a mammal for the first time: a sheep named Dolly. 20 years ago, on 4th Feb 2002 that Cancer Research UK was founded. It is the world’s largest independent cancer research and awareness charity. Also 20 years ago, on 19th Feb 2002 that NASA’s Mars Odyssey space probe began mapping the surface of Mars using a variety of imaging systems. It later discovered huge reservoirs of underground ice. 10 years ago, on 11th Feb 2012 that Whitney Houston, one of the bestselling music artists of all time, died. She drowned in her hotel bathtub because of coronary artery disease and drug intoxication, aged 48. LUNCH TIME CONCERT 1pm - 2pm Friday 11th February St Mary’s Church Manor Road Danny Guest with Songs of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s. Tea/coffee served from 12.30pm - 50p Admission free / retiring collection The all meet on a Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Church, Manor Road For times and other information please visit the following website https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/ For the Guides look for ‘176th Fishponds Methodist (Bristol) And Rainbows and Brownies look for 1st Fromeside Rainbows & 176th (Fishponds) Bristol Brownies 22
What are Religions and Worldviews? – an introduction to beliefs around the world By Deborah Lock, Lion Children, £8.99 Here children can easily find out about the beliefs and practices of the six main world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism, and also the beliefs held by different worldviews, such as Humanism. They will discover the meaning of key terms such as enlightenment, covenant and paradise. The book also provides a quick and accessible reference to places of worship, festivals, holy books, main prayers, and viewpoints. The Keywords series is written and designed to support children develop good reference skills through asking questions and clearly identifying key terms, so that the information needed is quickly found on a page. Facts are presented in easy-to-read bite-size explanations with visuals. Includes contents page, index and glossary for children to access the information and definitions, expand vocabulary and engage with the topic. Changing the Climate: applying the Bible in a climate emergency By Debbie Hawker, David Hawker and Jamie Hawker, BRF, £9.99 The climate crisis is one of the most important issues of our time, threatening lives and livelihoods. The Bible teaches us that God the Creator put humans on the Earth to take care of it; to show love to all, and to care for the poor and vulnerable. This workbook shows how the Bible is relevant to environmentalism, and how we can all play our part in limiting the negative effects of climate change. Each of the 12 chapters looks at a particular Bible passage, connects it with climate action, poses questions and suggests practical steps that can be taken. Embracing Justice by The Revd Dr Isabelle Hamley The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2022 Embracing Justice, the Archbishop of Caterbury’s Lent Book for 2022 asks: What might a spirituality shaped by biblical portrayals of justice look like for the church of the 21st century? Available from chbookshop.hymnsam.co.uk Reduced to £8.99 23
via Kitchen and Bathroom in 2022 As world leaders wake up to the crisis of global warming and plan emergency measures before it is too late, each of us can make a difference right now, beginning in our own homes. Start in the KITCHEN 25% of the world’s food is thrown away. One supermarket discovered British households waste seven million tonnes of food waste every year, partly because most of our fridges aren’t cold enough. Keeping the fridge temperature at a maximum of 4 degrees will help food last longer and save waste. Vast quantities of greenhouse gases are released by animals reared to supply us with red meat and dairy products. Cutting down on quantities and conserving leftovers would help. Conserving electricity by washing clothes at 30 degrees and replacing power-hungry tumble driers with a clothes line or oldfashioned clothes-horse would have the added advantage of reducing soaring power bills. According to the Good Housekeeping Institute, “many mainstream detergents are brimming with synthetic chemicals like phosphates, chlorine and bleach that pollute our waterways, damaging delicate ecosystems, and may irritate sensitive skin.” Plant-based and eco-friendly alternatives are now readily available and work well in the washing machine and dishwasher. Don’t forget the BATHROOM Annual increases in UK water consumption would be curbed, if we were to shower rather than bath. Exchanging the shower head for a water-saving type, which regulates or aerates the flow, would save both water and cash. Spending less time in the shower needn’t be a hardship. Daily shampooing may actually be counter-productive – it’s best to let 24
some oils remain in the hair, so they can act as moisturisers. Biodegradable body wash is available in bulk, from which reusable containers can be filled. Eco-friendly toothpaste is now on the market, some of it in plastic-free containers. More water can be saved by turning the tap off as we brush. Beware wet-wipes which may be ‘flushable’, but aren’t biodegradable, because they are part-plastic. Ecofriendly alternatives are now available. Saving the planet needn’t cost the earth. WORD SEARCH February is the month of romance. Millions of Valentine cards will be sent in the next week or two, as we celebrate our romantic love for that special person in our lives. But there are other kinds of love to celebrate, and on Candlemas we remember Mary and Joseph taking their baby son to the temple to present Him to God. Jesus’ whole life was a loving present to us from God. Through His death for us on the cross, and His resurrection, His love can now transform anyone’s life. Romance can die, but God’s love for us is always there. But it won’t do us much good – unless we accept it! Valentine Rose Romance Love Present Restaurant Hearts Kiss hug girlfriend boyfriend fiancé worship repentance angels baby temple Mary Candlemas presentation 25
FROM THE EDITOR Well we just have finished Christmas, and next we will be thinking about Easter. Lent starts soon, well the beginning of March so will you be giving anything up or even doing something that you don’t usually do for the next 40 days, which doesn’t include Sundays! You have time to think about it. For me I am a tea Jenny, so I am going to replace my tea with water! There I have said it, now I will have to do it!!!! Deadline for the March issue will be Sunday 13th February, a shorter month so magazine may not be out until the 27th February but will try my best for the 20th, but only if you get articles to me on time. Email them to [email protected] or give me a call or even hand me your article at a 10.30am service in Church. On a final note I must apologise to St. Mary Church re their Christmas Fair article in the January magazine. The £1,000 that they raised was spilt between the church and their two chosen charities, and not just the charities. Now that restrictions are lifting, still take care and stay safe. ANSWERS TO THIS MONTHS CROSSWORD & SUDOKU’S 26 E A S Y M E D I U M ACROSS: 1 Credit; 4 Tackle; 7 Cain; 8 Kenaniah; 9 Strength; 13 Beg; 16 Salvation Army; 17 ARC; 19 Every day; 24 Admonish; 25 Dire; 26 Sneeze; 27 Brollnze. DOWN: 1 Cock; 2 Epistolic; 3 Taken; 4 Tenet; 5 Cane; 6 Leave; 10 Erase; 11 Guide; 12 Honey; 13 Barbarian; 14 Guys; 15 Asia; 18 Rod in; 20 Voice; 21 Rahab; 22 Hope; 23 Mene.
Roles & Contacts for All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Members Luci Heath Anita Lavis Tam Pearce Mark Simms Diane Simms John Waldren Alison Wren Elisa Williams Chris Whitehead Dave Williams Deanery Synod Representatives Chris Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tiny Tots John Waldren Tel: 0117 956 3208 Gift Aid Chris Whitehead Anita Lavis Tel: 0117 307 9117 Mike Lavis Vacant Junior Church Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Electoral Roll Helen Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Magazine Editor / Adverts Hall Booking Secretary Elisa Williams Tel: 079 7395 3445 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roles & Contacts for St. Marys Church Matt Timms Parochial Church Council Members John Ewing Edward Gleed Sam Toogood John Anson General Enquiries Matt Timms [email protected] 27 Hannah Gazeley Deanery Synod Representatives Leigh Cooper Director of Music / Choir Tel: 0117 962 2093 Notes / News / Weekly Sheet Sam Toogood [email protected] Bob Bartlett Andrew Cooper
Do you need somewhere to hold a celebration or meeting? ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY HALL Part of the Parish of All Saints Church Could be your answer It can cater for small or medium size function. Has kitchen facilities, plus adequate on site parking Our rates are very competitive. For details please contact Elisa Tel: 0117 9584164 / 07973 953445 Or visit our web site: www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk You are very welcome to view before booking. 28
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