22. ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in — ’ (2 Corinthians 12:9) (8) 23. ‘As the — pants for streams of water,so my soul pants for you, O God’ (Psalm 42:1) (4) Down 1. Nickname of popular First World War chaplain, the Revd G.A. Studdert Kennedy, — Willie (8) 2. Occasion of religious joy (Lamentations 2:22) (5,3) 4. ‘We three kings of — are’ (6) 5. Allegation or charge (Jude 9) (10) 6. Kind (1 Chronicles 12:33) (4) 7. ‘Open your — and look at the fields!’ (John 4:35) (4) 10. Also known as the Feast of Lights (John10:22)(10) 12. Area that saw the healing of two demon - possessed men and a herd of pigs stampeding to their deaths (Matthew 8:28) (8) 13. Forebear(James2:21)(8) 16. Name given to the first two books of the Apocrypha(6) 18. Esau sold his birthright for this (Genesis25:34)(4) 19. Rear(anag.)(4) Easy SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) Medium Lipstick Every morning, a little girl would go in the bathroom to watch her mother as she was putting on her makeup to go to work. But during coronavirus, the mother stopped bothering with makeup, much to her daughter’s confusion. “Mummy,” she cried early on in the lockdown: “Come back! You forgot to kiss the toilet paper goodbye!” 13
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