JULY 2022 70p B E N E F I C E M A G A Z I N E ALL SAINTS Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk “Come Gather, Come Worship, Come As You Are” ST. MARY’S Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol Holding Together In Hope www.stmarysfishponds.org.uk
All Saints Church Fishponds DONATE* Please help us to keep the Church, Hall and Grounds safe for safe for this and future use. You can donate in the following way TEXT HQJB01 to 70331 to give £3 HQJB01 to 70970 to give £5 HQJB01 to 70191 to give £10 You can scan this OR GO TO http://easydonate.org/HQJB01 *Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). code bar to take you to the donate site *For Terms and Conditions, see www.easydonate.org St. Mary’s Church Fishponds Giving Our church is funded almost entirely by donations and fund raising. We provide several different ways of giving to enable people to give in a way that they are happy with. Some do standing orders and the envelope scheme. For those who don’t carry cash anymore, or who have forgotten their wallet we have a card reader in church which can take card payments including contactless, apple pay and google pay. You can also use this QR Code code that will take you to our donation page. Beavers Monday’s 6.15pm Tel: 0117 958 4164 Contacts for Scouting Groups Cubs Thursday’s 6.45pm East Bristol Partnership Office Co-ordinator Amy Donaldson Tel: 0117 958 6412 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ebpbristol.org.uk 2 Scouts Thursday’s 8.00pm Tel: 078 5452 0595 www.13thbristolscouts.uk
CONTACTS for the BENEFICE of ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH Vicar Revd. Lizzie Kesteven - Tel: 0117 965 0856 Curates Revd. Janey Hiller - Tel: 0117 239 0625 Revd. Diane Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader Mark Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader & Permission to Officiate Graham Biddlecombe - Tel: 0117 956 1544 Church Wardens PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Weddings/Funerals Contacts for All Saints Church Elaine Seretny Dave Williams Chris Whitehead Tam Pearce Anita Lavis Safeguarding Officer Helen Whitehead - Tel: 0775 2389 995 Email: [email protected] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contacts for St. Mary’s Church Church Warden Mary Ewing Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Mary Ewing Tel: 0117 382 6324 Pete Walker Matt Timms Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Hannah Gazeley Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Weddings/Funerals Amy Donaldson Email: [email protected] Safeguarding Officers Kate Hancocks & Clare Munoz 3 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 902 5257 Tel: 0117 958 4164 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 078 0098 7672 Revd Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Tel: 0117 307 9117
Over many years the 2nd Sunday of July has been kept as Sea Sunday, with a special focus on prayer for all seafarers. The Mission to Seafarers supports the work of sailors facing difficult waters, piracy, and separation from loved ones for long periods at sea. However, we can also experience storms in our own lives. In Acts 27 we read how Paul was being taken as a prisoner to Rome, when he was caught in a storm off Crete. After 14 days they were shipwrecked on the island of Malta. Paul had warned the crew that it wasn’t a safe time of year to sail: “I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives.” But his words were ignored, and the ship sailed into a violent storm. By the third day they ‘finally gave up all hope of being saved’. How do we face up to storms in our lives? Do we worry and panic? God doesn’t necessarily prevent storms from taking place, but we can trust His purpose through them. Paul urged the sailors to “keep courage, because not one of you will be lost, only the ship will be destroyed”. His confidence rested on an angelic promise: “Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.” Only the sovereign God, who created the wind and waves, can promise to save people from a storm. What does this mean for us in our circumstances today? ‘Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. Grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home.’ (Amazing Grace: John Newton). Canon Paul Hardingham (Parish Pump) 5
JULY READINGS for ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH 3rd Third Sunday after Trinity (Green) Isaiah 66: 10 - 14; Galatians 6: 7 - 16; Luke 10: 1 - 11, 16 - 20. 10th Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Deuteronomy 30: 9 - 14; Colossians 1: 1 - 14; Luke 10: 25 - 37. 17th Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Genesis 18: 1 - 10; Colossians 1: 15 - 28; Luke 10: 38 - end. St. Marys 6.30pm Readings as above 24th Sixth Sunday after Trinity (Green) Genesis 18: 20 - 32; Colossians 2: 6 - 15; Luke 11: 1 - 13. 31st Seventh Sunday after Trinity (Green) Ecclesiastes 1: 2, 12 - 14, 2: 18 - 23; Colossians 3: 1 - 11; Luke 12: 13 - 21. 7th August - Eight Sunday after Trinity (Green) Genesis 15: 1 - 6; Hebrew 11:1 - 3, 8 - 16; Lue 12: 32 - 40. Every Thursday Holy Communion 10.00am St. Marys Church OPEN CHURCH Sunday 3rd July 10.00am St. Marys Church Sunday 10th July, 10.30am at All Saints Church All Age Celebration & Thanksgiving Communion Followed by a picnic in the church grounds Sunday 17th July CREATIVE CHURCH 10.00am St. Marys Church Sunday 31st July - 10.00am Benefice Holy Communion Service at St. Marys Church This will be Revd Janey’s last service for the Benefice of All Saints Church & St. Marys Church. We wish her well in her next parish. There will be more information on the date and venue of Revd Janey Licensing. 6 Sunday 24th July 10.30am All Saints Church
JULY PRAYERS ✤ We support through prayer and fellowship, Diane Simms being ordained priest at the beginning of July, also Sarah Heywood and Sharon Gleed, being ordained deacons that same weekend. Bless them through their final preparations, and give them special measure of Your Holy Spirit, to carry out their ministry in Your church ✤ We remember all involved in education as the academic year draws to a close. We pray for teachers, schools and college staff as they hopefully will have some well earned rest over the summer. ✤ We continue to pray for our NHS, especially in the aftermath of Covid, for patients who are waiting for treatment, staff who are under incredible pressure, and for wisdom in Government in resolving these issues. ✤ Let is continue to pray for the disaster in Ukraine, the people of Ukraine asking for protection and the end of hostilities there. ✤ We pray for the All Saints Family Café, which will be operating over the summer holiday period in serving families in need with meals and activities. We thank God for this provision, and we pray too for all the volunteers offering their help, and for Amy, the coordinator. ✤ We continue to give thanks for the Queen in this Jubilee year Loving God, we thank you for the life of the Queen For her courage, her dignity, her sincerity, For her dedication, her resilience, her faith, For all the ways she has put service before self, And we ask your blessing on her and all those she loves. Amen 7
FROM BAPTISM TO ORDINATION A story about the early stage of my faith journey by Rev Diane A photo in the Ulster Gazette records the day of my baptism at St.Luke's Ballymoyer - apparently I cried when the water was splashed on me - as many babies do... A few years ago when back home on holiday in Northern Ireland we bumped into a couple from my childhood church who remembered me running up and down the aisle as a lively child. My dad was the rector of three rural parishes near the border in South Armagh at the height of the Troubles. Looking back I see how my faith was shaped by that place and the people I spent time with. I learnt many things that I now still do in church. For example, there just is a lot of moving chairs and tables about, ready for church services and events. One of my first jobs was to arrange the chairs for Sunday school in our kitchen, as there was no church hall. Preparing a welcoming space for worship and fellowship is etched into my life as a churchgoer. But what about my early idea of God? It was definitely shaped by the fields and forest beauty around our home and by the children's hymns we sang and particularly at the key times of the year such as Harvest. 'All good gifts around us are sent from God above. Then thank the Lord, O thank the Lord for all his love.' and 'Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to him belong, they are weak but he is strong'. I felt held by God's love and care above and beyond my parents' and grandparents' love which was also key. The big world both beautiful and dangerous was in God's hands, so to speak. My faith was shaped by seeing my parents' response to the Troubles and my dad's efforts to make sure we did not simply live in a Protestant bubble at school and in the community. We attended a choir for girls where many were Catholic girls and singing united us in joyful activity, as it still does for so many 8
people - for you, it might be a sport or other hobby. I sensed that God wants us to reach out beyond our differences and try to understand each other and do stuff together. So now, fast forwarding to 2022 (and skipping so much in between!) I am writing this just before my ordination to the priesthood. I never aspired to be a vicar like my dad - why would I when women were not allowed to be priests back then? But I can see how God guided me along a pathway that has brought me to this point. In a future article I'd like to say more about the second half of my life thus far and how it was shaped by belonging to the All Saints community in Fishponds where I felt enfolded by the ethos of 'Come as you are' and Mark and I felt we belonged straight away. This ethos continues to this day. Thank you. And thanks be to God! As you read this, I hope it will encourage you to do a timeline of your own faith journey. Where has God influenced and shaped the way you live out your faith? Let's have more stories for the magazine! Rev Diane DATES FOR YOUR DIARIES Diane will be Ordinated as Priest by Bishop Viv on Saturday 2nd July, 3pm at Bristol Cathedral. At 10.00am on Thursday 7th July, Diane’s, will be first presiding her first Holy Communion Service at St. Mary’s Church, Manor Road and Revd Lizzie will be preaching. On Sunday 10th July, 10.30am at All Saints, Diane will be presiding for an All Age Holy Communion Celebration and Thanksgiving service, followed by a picnic. So please come along to join in with the celebrations and don’t forget to bring a picnic. All are welcome to these services 9
We have a Christian Aid Representative for All Saints Church. Thank you to Andrew Cooper, who will now be the representative for All Saints Church. Donations received for Christian Aid from special appeals and Christian Aid Weeks will be sent to them by Andrew as the ‘The Benefice of All Saints Church & St. Marys Church’. In Christian Aid Week 15th - 21st May 2022, the total donations from the Benefice amounted to £352.00. In May, St. Marys hosted a Christian Aid Coffee Morning and this raised £63.35 plus a further £6.92 from morning refreshments after a service. So well done to everyone and THANK YOU! SUNDAY 12th JUNE Holy Spirit We had another good time for Muddy/Messy Church, balloons and messy blow painting! Bible story about the disciples and the Holy Spirit read by William and Sylvia. A talk and prayers out side, then into church for a spot of blow painting to make flames, done by the children and the adults, the flames were then place above the heads of the disciples, as seen in the picture below. Lastly we had some short prayers and a song, all finished with refreshments of hot chocolate and biscuits. MUSIC for TODDLERS are back!!!! Every Tuesday 5th & 12th July 10.30am - 11.30am, St. Marys Parish Room. Entry through Choir Vestry - look out for the balloons. 10
(The Revd Dr Jo White from the Parish Pump Web site continues with) Reflected Faith Series: The grandeur of God. Do you understand the mysteries of God? Who is He? What is He up to? If Jesus’s disciples who were with Him daily for years had trouble understanding Him, what expectation is there that you and I will? We get glimpses of Him – through new life, through nature, in creativity, music and dance and so on – but none of us truly sees every part of Him. St Paul himself wrote that “now we see through a glass darkly”. So how do we try to express the grandeur of God? In the Old Testament, Isaiah 6:1, the prophet wrote, ‘In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lofty; and the hem of His robe filled the temple.’ I love that picture, it makes me think of brides on their wedding day who have a full skirt and train, and the help they need from their bridesmaids just to get in and out of the wedding car let alone anything else they need to do. Architects and builders over the centuries have used the church building to illustrate aspects of God and to share their faith. If you are able, visit a large church building or cathedral and spend some time there when there is no service taking place. As you go into the building, quickly stop and just look around you. ‘Feel’ the space surrounding and above you. The distance between you and the ceiling or roof. Stop for a while in the area where the congregation sit – the nave – taken from the Latin word navis meaning ‘ship’. This is because when they were built, largely in the Middle Ages, the people thought a nave looked like the bottom part of a ship turned upside-down. This reminded them also of the story of God saving His creation at the time of the flood by using the Ark. What does this space say to you about the mysteries of God? 11
COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Acros 1. Proverbs describes her as being ‘of noble character’ (Proverbs 31:10) (4) 3. ‘Shall we go up again — — against the Benjamites, our brothers?’ (Judges 20:23) (2,6) 8. A descendant of Shem (Genesis 10:28) (4) 9. ‘Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my — ’ (Luke 14:27) (8) 11. Resentment (Ephesians 4:31)(10) 14. In Cain(anag.)(6) 15. ‘Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to—’ (Psalm 139:6) (6) 17. Intense (1 Thessalonians 4:5)(10) 20. Third Order of the Roman Catholic Church(8) 21. ‘At midnight the cry rang out, “Here’s the bridegroom!Come out to — him”’ (Matthew 25:6) (4) 12
22. ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in — ’ (2 Corinthians 12:9) (8) 23. ‘As the — pants for streams of water,so my soul pants for you, O God’ (Psalm 42:1) (4) Down 1. Nickname of popular First World War chaplain, the Revd G.A. Studdert Kennedy, — Willie (8) 2. Occasion of religious joy (Lamentations 2:22) (5,3) 4. ‘We three kings of — are’ (6) 5. Allegation or charge (Jude 9) (10) 6. Kind (1 Chronicles 12:33) (4) 7. ‘Open your — and look at the fields!’ (John 4:35) (4) 10. Also known as the Feast of Lights (John10:22)(10) 12. Area that saw the healing of two demon - possessed men and a herd of pigs stampeding to their deaths (Matthew 8:28) (8) 13. Forebear(James2:21)(8) 16. Name given to the first two books of the Apocrypha(6) 18. Esau sold his birthright for this (Genesis25:34)(4) 19. Rear(anag.)(4) Easy SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) Medium Lipstick Every morning, a little girl would go in the bathroom to watch her mother as she was putting on her makeup to go to work. But during coronavirus, the mother stopped bothering with makeup, much to her daughter’s confusion. “Mummy,” she cried early on in the lockdown: “Come back! You forgot to kiss the toilet paper goodbye!” 13
All Saints Services and 3rd DUTY TIME 8.00am Services 10.30am Wardens Sidesperson Readers 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 1st lesson 10.30am 2nd lesson Prayers Parish Street DUTY TIME 10.00am Services 6.30pm 3rd July All Saints - 10.30am Holy Communion Revd Lizzie 24th July St. Marys - 10.30am 14 - Wednesdays - 9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer at All Saints Holy Communion Revd Janey - G. Smith H. Whitehead A. Wren C. Powell C. Doyle Kite Hay Close St Mary’s Services 3rd Third Sunday after Trinity No Service Ordination of Sharon Gleed Bristol Cathedral Third Sunday after Trinity - 10th Fourth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Janey All Age Family Communion Revd DIane & Revd Lizzie M. Lavis E. Seretny G. Smith C. Edwards-Mlangwa T.B.A. T.B.A. T.B.A Knowsley Road 10th Fourth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Janey
17th TIME 8.00am Duty Rota for July 24th Fifth Sunday after Trinity - 10.30am Revd DIane & Revd Janey Holy Communion 8.00am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am - E. Seretny C. Whitehead A. Wren C. Doyle J. Badman Revd Janey Lakeside 17th TIME 10.00am 6.30pm Fifth Sunday after Trinity Creative Church Revd Lizzie Evensong Revd Janey & Revd Lizzie - Looking for new members of children aged 7+ upwards, to meet on Friday’s from 6.30pm - 7.15pm, All Saints Church, contact Elisa 9584164 15 - St. Marys Church Fridays 7pm New members are welcomed Sixth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Lizzie Café Church Mark & Revd DIane M. Lavis C. Whitehead Café Team Café Team Café Team C. Whitehead Lake View Road for July 24th Sixth Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Janey & Revd Lizzie 31st Seventh Sunday after Trinity Benefice Service Revd DIane & Revd Janey 31st Seventh Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion Revd Janey 10.00am Benefice Service at St Mary M. Lavis NO 10.30am service - NO Service at All Saints - Langdale Road
‘COLUMBUS’ at your service For all those jobs that you haven’t the time to do!! Window Cleaning Painting ~ Plumbing Carpentry Gardening ~ Decorating Ring for a FREE quote Tel: 0117 939 0529 Mobile: 07954 161 210 Tel: 0117 939 1316 Mob: 07792 097 234 [email protected] www.jblandscapesbristol.co.uk A family run business. J. B. LANDSCAPES General Build and Maintenance James Bufton Qualified Landscaper kitchens Bathrooms Wetrooms loft conversations From concept to completion for all aspects of home build & renovation [email protected] 07748 397329 local family business 16
Christian Basics No 7: What does the Holy Spirit do? (Part 2) (Canon Paul Hardingham continues this year-long series on the very foundations of our Christian faith.) (Material taken from Parish Pump, web site for Church Magazines) Somebody once defined a football match as ‘22 people on the field desperately in need of rest, watched by 50 thousand people in the stands, desperately in need of exercise! It reminds us that church is not a spectator sport! The Holy Spirit equips us to serve God in the Church and daily life through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are variously described as spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:1) or grace gifts (1 Cor. 1:7), the latter word being used in modern Greek for a birthday present! They are love gifts from God that we cannot earn or deserve, that are open to everybody. Note what Paul says, “Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good” (1 Cor. 12:7): ‘to each one’: the gifts are available to every Christian. Everyone will have a different ‘gift-mix’, with their own particular contribution to offer. ‘the manifestation of the Spirit’: the gifts of the Spirit enable an invisible God to be real and visible. As we exercise the gifts that God has given to us, in our speech or service, people will be able to say, ‘God is at work here’! ‘for the common good’: the aim of the gifts is to build up the body of Christ and extend the kingdom of God. They are not intended to meet our own needs or reputation, but simply to serve and encourage others. With the gifts given by God, we are able to fulfil His purposes in His world. Paul urges us to ‘eagerly desire’ the gifts that God has for us (1 Cor. 12:31). How true is this for me? Any present that we are given needs unwrapping before we can enjoy it. Are we doing this with our spiritual gifts? Spider Whoever said “Out of sight, out of mind” never had a large spider disappear in the bedroom. 17
Classes include: Flowers, fruit, vegetables, cookery, crafts & photography, Children’s classes. Light Refreshments, Raffle, Competitions. Admission: £1 Adults (Under 16’s free) Schedules and entry forms available from various outlets including ‘The Pet Shop’ and ‘Elmwood Nurseries’ Via our website: www.activatefishponds.co.uk (events/horticultural show) or phone 0117 9584164 Here is an idea of items that you can exhibit. FLOWERS - 1 single rose, 1 Gladiolus, vase of contrasting foliage VEGETABLES - 3 potatoes, 3 onion, 4 runner beans, 3 carrots FRUIT - 3 dessert apples, 5 plums, 3 cooking apples HERBS - collection of 4 named herbs displayed in a vase or bunch FLORAL ART - arrangement in unusual container Max overall 12”x12” PRESERVES - jar of Jam, lemon curd, marmalade, chutney or pickle ART - painting Max overall 12”x12” HANDICRAFTS - crochet, knitting, cross stitch, patchwork, quilting PHOTOGRAPHY - action, wildlife, flowers, clouds. Sizes 5’x7” BAKING - Victoria sponge, fruit cake, decorated cup cakes, 6 scones 18
And for the children, different age classes - drawing or painting of ‘The Queens Platinum Jubilee’ A4 size. Also for the children a photograph of the Platinum Jubilee, transport (interesting view of any type) Size 5”x7” Entry fee for exhibits received by Wednesday 10th August will cost 30p each or 50p each if received by the day of the show between 9.15am - 10.15am. Very important, if interested in exhibiting make sure that you pick up a schedule book for ALL the classes, plus for the rules, recipe’s and all other information. Good luck if you are taking part. St Mary’s Community Jubilee Celebration Saturday 4th June 2022 Our objective was to stage an event that would allow the usual attendees of our free Saturday lunches to connect with the families who usually attend the Fishponds Family Cafe at All Saints Church by providing the following: ● A celebratory meal for everyone (approximately 50 attendees plus volunteers) which we will make collectively ● Activities to bring people together from toddlers to pensioners (such as crafting and interactive games) ● A concert or entertainment for all ages We invited all attendees of these two groups directly (approximately 30 - 40 Saturday lunch attendees and 30 families) and on the day around 70 Adults (including volunteers) and 10 Children attended. Fewer families attended than we had hoped but those that did were enthusiastic. It was great that such an offer could be made to these Families, who have a variety of needs and challenges, as it evidences to them that they are being considered, recognised and valued, and have a range of support options to choose from. A significant number of single elderly people attended, and as well as the reduction in their isolation it gave those who had lived through the past 70 years the opportunity to dress up and celebrate this Jubilee and the work and commitment of their Queen. All the cakes were made by the local community and were served with tea and coffee during the morning. Lunch was 19
a buffet which we bought in and was served by volunteers from both Saturday lunches and the family cafe, along with many from the St Mary’s community. Volunteers joined all the guests in eating and taking part in the activities and games. We provided craft activities of crown making, colouring, badge making and biscuit decorating, all of which were well received by adults and children alike. We also had a musician playing 2 sets of music both inside and outdoors during the event. The outdoors games purchased were well used at the event by Children and Families. These resources are robust and of quality and will be used at future events. We canvassed opinions of the event the following week and received the following comments: “Brilliant” “Very good” “Very well organised” The best bits were the “atmosphere and food. People being kind and willing to help” “Crafts for kids were great, my granddaughter loved them” “We played dominoes” (aged 70+) “Cakes were delicious” “Great way to connect with Fishponds” Overall it was a very enjoyable day with lots of volunteers mixing well with guests and sharing a fun time. We managed to deliver everything within budget and to plan. Whilst it would have been good to have had a few more families attend, we are aware that a change of venue and uncertain weather were a challenge to some of the families. We made efforts to ensure that volunteers engaged with all those who came and encouraged everyone to interact with each other. There was a great atmosphere, and we can report that our objectives were met in full. The kiss An honest seven-year-old calmly announced to her parents that Billy Brown had kissed her after church. “How did that happen?” gasped her mother. “Well, it wasn’t easy,” admitted the young lady, “but three girls helped me catch him.” 20
Meet Monday’s during term time from 10.30am til 12noon Children from birth to 4years of age welcome along with their parents, grandparents or carers. A morning listening to a story, singing, craft time followed by refreshments and play time. Free entrance / voluntary donations. For more information contact Cynthia on 0117 965 1849 SATURDAY 2nd JULY 10.00am till 12noon Monthly Coffee Morning & Bristol Repair Café All Saints Church, Grove Road Bring along your items that are in need of repair and see if the Repair Café can help, at the same time while waiting have a cuppa or two, and browse through the second hand fiction books for adults and children while you wait. LIVING AFTER LOSS Friday 1st, 15th & 29th July, 11am - 12noon Have you had to face a loss? Bereavement / Retirement / Health Problems / Redundancy etc. Do you need to talk? You are welcome to come and talk to friendly people over refreshments at St. Mary’s Church Parish Rooms, Contact Revd Lizzie for details Contact your local Slimming World Consultant and join a warm friendly group today! Groups now fully open Mondays 6.30pm & Tuesdays 9.30pm The Beechwood Club, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 3TR Contact Claire on 07791 574 353 Tuesdays 6pm & 7.30pm Argyle Morley Church Whitefield Road, Speedwell Caroline 07988 692 202 Wednesdays 5.15pm & 6.45pm The Salvation Army, Staple Hill Anna-Marie 0785 417 7308 www.slimmingworld.co.uk 21
LUNCH TIME CONCERT Music by ‘Use ’n Laugh’ Friday 5th July -1pm to 2pm St Mary’s Church, Manor Road Tea/coffee served from 12.30pm - 50p No admission charge but a retiring collection to cover expenses. Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 St. Mary’s Churchyard Gardening Group Meet every Monday from 10am till 12noon To do a spot of gardening and tidying up the grounds You are very welcome to come and join them. Tea & biscuits provided 22 Reasonable rates. Telephone Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321 Meet on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 7.15pm For young people from year 7 upwards, to meet, talk, learn, pray and have fun. Contact Revd. Lizzie for details
WORD SEARCH - SEA SUNDAY, 10th July This is the day when Christian churches remember, pray and give thanks for the more than 1.5 million merchant seafarers and fishermen worldwide. If seafarers seem irrelevant to your daily life, think again: 90 per cent of everything you buy in the shops comes to you by sea. Merchant seafarers quite literally keep our global economy afloat. Yet it is a tough life, far from loved ones. Merchant ships are harsh working environments, never mind the threat of piracy or even shipwreck. To help the seafarers, a worldwide network of port chaplains has sprung up. They offer hospitality and friendship, as well as practical, emotional and spiritual support, providing almost a ‘home from home’ in hundreds of ports, in more than 50 countries. You might wish to support one of these three wellknown societies: The Mission to Seafarers (Anglican), The Apostolate of the Sea (Roman Catholic), and The Sailors’ Society (inter-denominational). July Sea Sunday Remember Pray Give Thanks Merchant Seafarers Daily Shops Economy Afloat Harsh 23 Working Environments Piracy Shipwreck Hundreds Global Port Chaplains Hospitality Friendship Practical
This month we have a selection of Childrens books. A Good FriendBy Gemma Hunt, SPCK, £8.99 Written by TV presenter and children’s entertainer, Gemma Hunt, the See! Let’s Be series encourages young children to understand how to act and behave in everyday situations through observing good examples by adults and inspired by Jesus’ parables and teachings. Perfect for end-ofthe-day reading time with children, providing support, encouragement, and reassuring words. Gemma Hunt is best known as the presenter of the hit and BAFTA winning CBeebies pirate gameshow series SWASHBUCKLE. Gemma also presents ‘Together’ – a BBC Learning School Radio show downloadable for school assemblies. Cheeky Pandas – The Bouncy Castle by Pete James and Paul Kerensa, SPCK £6.99 Join the Cheeky Pandas – CJ, Lulu, Benji, Rory, and Milo – for a fun time on a bouncy castle at their treehouse studio. They all want to bounce on the bouncy castle. CJ promises the others a chance to bounce, but first she wants another turn. CJ imagines herself as queen of the castle, but can she be faithful like the best queens, kings, and rulers? How do Lulu, Benji, Rory, and Milo end up in the bushes? Will CJ keep her promise and look out for the other Cheeky Pandas? Based on the free online animation, Cheeky Pandas® The Bouncy Castle encourages children to think about faithfulness and how this can be shown to others. Find out more about Cheeky Pandas® at https://cheekypandas.com/ 24
Read It, See It, Say It, Sing It – knowing and loving the BibleBy Hunter Beless, 10ofThose, £9.83 In Hunter Beless’s delightful, rhyming picture book for children, four families grow in their knowledge and love for the Bible. Young readers will discover that when we read, see, say, and sing the Bible, God speaks to us, and our lives are changed forever. A parent ‘connection’, explaining the Scripture memorization method is included in the back of the book. The Very Worried Sparrow by Meryl Doney and Gaby Hansen, Lion Children’s, £6.99 This is the story of a sparrow who worries about everything – whether there will be enough to eat, where he will build his new nest, how he will find a mate, whether his family will be eaten by a bird of prey. Then he hears about the Great Father who made and cares for all his creation – even the tiniest sparrow. This delightful story has helped, reassured, and entertained many thousands of children since it was first published in 1978. 50 Craziest Bible Stories by Andy Robb, £5.71 from Eden Books (www.eden.co.uk) Explores some of the craziest stories from the Bible and retells them in a unique way. Children will enjoy discovering God's word with Andy's humorous and chatty style alongside fantastic cartoon type illustrations. The book will encourage children to learn the Bible in a fun style and that God of the Bible, who is much bigger than we imagine and can't be boxed in, is involved in the lives of ordinary (and sometimes crazy!) people like ourselves. 25
FROM THE EDITOR It was good to see the Bristol Repair Cafe back with us last month. It has started off slowly, so please spread the word that they are back on the first Saturday of every month from 10am till 12noon, so that your items can hopefully be repaired and save them being thrown away! Have you started to see if you can exhibit for Horticulture Show in August? Deadline for the August magazine will be Sunday 10th July articles can be emailed to [email protected] (please note change of email address). You can also hand any articles to me at a 10.30am service or call 0117 3079117. Lastly, can you help us to do some work in the Church Grounds? They are used by many people in the parish, especially children and the grounds are beginning to get a little out of control. We would like to get a gardening group together so if you could spare just an hour two to help out please call our church warden Dave or pop in to our Monthly Saturday Coffee morning for a chat and to see how you can help. Thank you. ANSWERS TO THIS MONTHS CROSSWORD & SUDOKU’S 26 E A S Y M E D I U M ACROSS: 1 Wife; 3 To battle; 8 Obal; 9 Disciple; 11 Bitterness; 14 Niacin; 15 Attain; 17 Passionate; 20 Tertiary; 21 Meet 22 Weakness; 23 Deer. DOWN: 1 Woodbine; 2 Feast day; 4 Orient; 5 Accusation; 6 Type; 7 Eyes; 10 Dedication; 12 Gadarene; 13 Ancestor; 16 Esdras; 18 Stew; 19 Area..
Roles & Contacts for All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Members Luci Heath Anita Lavis Tam Pearce Mark Simms Diane Simms John Waldren Alison Wren Elisa Williams Dave Williams Helen Whitehead Sara Wrann Chris Whitehead Deanery Synod Representatives Chris Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tiny Tots John Waldren Tel: 0117 956 3208 Gift Aid Chris Whitehead Anita Lavis Tel: 0117 307 9117 Mike Lavis Claire Doyle Junior Church Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Electoral Roll Helen Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Magazine Editor / Adverts Hall Booking Secretary Elisa Williams Tel: 079 7395 3445 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roles & Contacts for St. Marys Church Matt Timms Parochial Church Council Members John Ewing Edward Gleed Sam Toogood John Anson General Enquiries Matt Timms [email protected] 27 Hannah Gazeley Director of Music / Choir Tel: 0117 962 2093 Notes / News / Weekly Sheet Sam Toogood [email protected] Deanery Synod Representatives Leigh Cooper Bob Bartlett Andrew Cooper
Do you need somewhere to hold a celebration or meeting? ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY HALL Part of the Parish of All Saints Church Could be your answer It can cater for small or medium size function. Has kitchen facilities, plus adequate on site parking Our rates are very competitive. For details please contact Elisa Tel: 0117 9584164 / 07973 953445 Or visit our web site: www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk You are very welcome to view before booking. 28
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