LUNCH TIME CONCERT Music by ‘Use ’n Laugh’ Friday 5th July -1pm to 2pm St Mary’s Church, Manor Road Tea/coffee served from 12.30pm - 50p No admission charge but a retiring collection to cover expenses. Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 St. Mary’s Churchyard Gardening Group Meet every Monday from 10am till 12noon To do a spot of gardening and tidying up the grounds You are very welcome to come and join them. Tea & biscuits provided 22 Reasonable rates. Telephone Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321 Meet on the 2nd Sunday of the Month 7.15pm For young people from year 7 upwards, to meet, talk, learn, pray and have fun. Contact Revd. Lizzie for details
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