B E N E F I C E M A G A Z I N E JUNE 2021 ALL SAINTS Grove Road, Fishponds, Bristol www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk “Come Gather, Come Worship, Come As You Are” ST. MARY’S Manor Road, Fishponds, Bristol Holding Together In Hope www.stmarysfishponds.org.uk 70p
All Saints Church Fishponds DONATE* Please help us to keep the Church, Hall and Grounds safe for safe for this and future use. You can donate in the following way TEXT HQJB01 to 70331 to give £3 HQJB01 to 70970 to give £5 HQJB01 to 70191 to give £10 OR GO TO http://easydonate.org/HQJB01 *Your donation will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme, operating DONATE, a charity registered in England and Wales (1149800) and Scotland (SC045106). In addition to any text donation, you will incur your standard network message charge (based on your service provider rates). *For Terms and Conditions, see www.easydonate.org St. Mary’s Church Fishponds Giving Our church is funded almost entirely by donations and fund raising. We provide several different ways of giving to enable people to give in a way that they are happy with. Some do standing orders and the envelope scheme. For those who don’t carry cash anymore, or who have forgotten their wallet we have a card reader in church which can take card payments including contactless, apple pay and google pay. We are also able to take card payments over the phone. Or you can go to our Website and to the donation page and click on our PayPal link to make a donation. Beavers Monday’s 6.15pm Tel: 0117 958 4164 Contacts for Scouting Groups Cubs Thursday’s 6.45pm East Bristol Partnership Office Co-ordinator Amy Donaldson Tel: 0117 958 6412 Email: [email protected] Web site: www.ebpbristol.org.uk 2 Scouts Thursday’s 8.00pm Tel: 078 5452 0595 www.13thbristolscouts.uk You can scan this code bar to take you to the donate site
CONTACTS for the BENEFICE of ALL SAINTS CHURCH & ST. MARY’S CHURCH Vicar Revd. Lizzie Kesteven - Tel: 0117 965 0856 Curate Revd. Janey Hiller - Tel: 0117 239 0625 Ordinand Diane Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader Mark Simms - Tel: 0117 951 8419 Licensed Lay Reader & Permission to Officiate Graham Biddlecombe - Tel: T.B.A. Church Warden Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Weddings/Funerals Contacts for All Saints Church Elaine Seretny Nigel Heath Chris Whitehead Tam Pearce Helen Whitehead Anita Lavis Safeguarding Officers Helen Whitehead - Tel: 0117 965 4697 Church Warden Mary Ewing Church Warden PCC Secretary PCC Treasurer Baptisms Matt Timms Mary Ewing Jenny Macey - Tel: 0117 951 8127 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Contacts for St. Mary’s Church Tel: 0117 382 6324 Pete Walker Email: [email protected] Hannah Gazeley Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] Email: [email protected] Weddings/Funerals Amy Donaldson Email: [email protected] Safeguarding Officers Kate Hancocks & Clare Munoz 3 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0117 902 5257 Tel: 0117 965 2893 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 078 0098 7672 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117
4 Toys Bric a Brac Games Plants
From Parish Pump - The Ven John Barton considers Prince Philip’s questions on religion. A prince’s legacy on matters of faith Just when we thought the last word had been written about the late Duke of Edinburgh, it emerged that he had a genuine interest in theology. That dashing young naval officer, who became the Queen’s dutiful consort and accompanied her to thousands of church services, was someone who listened intently to sermons, thought through what was being said, and then asked questions. Every Sunday when the royal couple were at Sandringham, a diocesan bishop was invited to preach in the parish church. Afterwards, they were grilled by the Duke who, we are told by one of them, showed that he “wanted to be intellectually and spiritually engaged”. That’s a polite way of saying he wasn’t prepared to swallow what came out of the pulpit if he wasn’t convinced by it. Some Christians are suspicious of people who probe the faith. Should it not be taken on trust? Who are we to question the Almighty? For others, doubt hovers uninvited. Honest doubt won’t settle for unbelief but will continue to persevere with its enquiries. The Russian writer and philosopher Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote: “It is not as a child that I believe and confess Jesus Christ. My hosanna is born of a furnace of doubt.” Dostoyevsky had lived a turbulent life, both personally and publicly, and wrestled mentally with himself and God. Some people are like that. Prince Philip had been baptised into the Greek Orthodox Church and was received into the Church of England just before his marriage. He organised much of his own funeral, and if you followed it, you will remember how traditional it was. Many of the prayers were from the 17th Century Book of Common Prayer, the hymns were more ancient than 5
modern, and the Bible readings confidently proclaimed the magnificence of God’s Creation and Jesus’ teaching about the resurrection. These are basic to Christianity and it was from such a foundation that he was able to explore. So, if you wake up one morning questioning everything you have believed, take it is a spur to dig deeper and ask questions. Be encouraged by Philip, who shunned a secondhand faith because he wanted to know the truth for himself. The next time you hear a sermon which you can’t understand or disagree with, don’t let the preacher get away with it. And if, in your private conversations with God, you find yourself praying, ‘Lord, I believe; help my unbelief,’ you won’t be the first. See Mark 9, verse 24. READINGS FOR JUNE 6th June First Sunday after Trinity (Green) 2 Corinthians 4: 13 - 5: 1; Mark 3: 20 - end. 13th Second Sunday after Trinity (Green) 2 Corinthians 5: 6 - 10; Mark 4: 26 - 34. 20th Third Sunday after Trinity (Green) 2 Corinthians 6: 1 - 13; Mark 4: 35 - end. 27th Fourth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 2 Corinthians 8: 7 - end; Mark 5: 21 - end. 4th July Fifth Sunday after Trinity (Green) 2 Corinthians 12: 2 - 10; Mark 6: 1 - 13. (For the time being will be having only 2 readings at the services. If you are on the rota to read please read the first lesson) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 6
JUNE PRAYER PAGE ✤ We pray for our country as we slowly proceed to come out of COVID restrictions. We thank God for the very effective and amazing vaccination programme, for all the NHS workers and volunteers who have made this happen, for the scientists and epidemiologists who guide our way forwards, and we ask God for wisdom as we negotiate the next few weeks, together. ✤ We pray that we can deal with the so-called Indian variant, so as not to disrupt the way ahead. ✤ We pray for countries, such as India, where the pandemic is raging, asking that those in power would always ensure protection for their populations as their top priority. We pray, worldwide, for the production of vaccines, and for their use, and ask that the richer countries would ensure that the whole world is protected. ✤ We ask that in our society, we would always strive for justice and equality for all, and we ask God would remove the hatred from the hearts of some that is poisoning our national life and discourse. Help us all to see intolerance, racism and antisemitism as evils to be eradicated. ✤ We remember all whose treatment for non-COVID medical treatment has been delayed on account of the pandemic. We pray too, for all in care homes, whose lives have been blighted for the last 15 months through not being able to see their loved ones, for all the families who love them, and for the staff, who have often gone, “above and beyond,” in caring for them. ✤ We thank God, too, for all the generosity, love and care that many people have shown for others during this most difficult time in our national lives. 7
✤ We continue to pray for our Queen, still mourning following the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. Give her space to mourn, wise council to support her and surround her with your love. ✤ We pray too, for all who have suffered the loss of loved ones at this time, asking for God’s blessing and comfort for them. Prayer for Encouragement in June Father, At this time of year, we remember Barnabas, a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, who encouraged people to stay true to you – and others to trust you for the first time. Lord, we have gone through difficult days. The pandemic has taught us that we are not in control. We don’t know what each new day might bring. As we move into June and the hope of more normality after the restrictions of Lockdown, we too need encouragement. Help us to have courage to step forward with confidence and common sense. Most of all help us to stay true to you and to trust you, knowing that you are the security we need, knowing that you will never leave us or forsake us. Help us to be en-couraged! In Jesus name, Amen. By Daphne Kitching 8
OUR CHURCH DOORS ARE OPEN FOR PRIVATE PRAYER You are very welcome to go along to ALL SAINTS CHURCH on a Wednesday, 10am - 11am or ST. MARY’S on a Thursday, 10am - 11am There is also a service of Holy Communion We ask, when entering the church, to wear face covering if possible and to follow the guide lines once inside. Saturday 12th June This is the day that Queen Elizabeth II, officially celebrates her 95th birthday. The tradition of the British monarch celebrating two birthdays stems back to 1748, during the reign of King George II. The king’s birthday fell in late autumn, the weather wasn’t suitable for a large, public celebration in honour of his birthday.Therefore, the monarch’s official birthday celebrations were combined with the Trooping the Colour parade in summer, a ceremony which had previously been a predominantly military affair. 9
CHURCHYARD GARDENING GROUP at ST. MARY’S Every Monday from10am till 12noon A group meet up to do a spot of gardening and tidying up in the grounds. You are very welcome to come along and join us, but please bring your own refreshments and to social distance when gardening. Where are our birds? British birds are in big trouble. 80 per cent of our most popular species are in severe decline, according to recent data from the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch. The world’s largest wildlife survey has found that 16 out of the 20 most spotted garden birds have been in decline since 2020. There are now concerns about the greenfinch and chaffinch, which were seen in their lowest ever numbers this year. The top five birds seen in people’s gardens were: house sparrows, blue tits, starlings, blackbirds and wood pigeons. Only robins, blackbirds, carrion crows and the song thrush grew in number in 2020. For young people from year 7 and upwards. To meet to talk, learn, pray and have fun together. 1st Sunday of the Month - 7.15pm For information contact Nigel on 0117 965 2893 or Revd. Lizzie 10
‘COLUMBUS’ at your service For all those jobs that you haven’t the time to do!! Window Cleaning Painting ~ Plumbing Carpentry Gardening ~ Decorating Ring for a FREE quote Tel: 0117 939 0529 Mobile: 07954 161 210 I think I must have missed that module when I was at theological college! Need accounts prepared for your business? Need a Self Assessment Tax Return completed? WE CAN HELP! H & F ACCOUNTANCY For all your tax and accountancy needs. We do payroll and VAT too! Sarah Hendy 0117 951 7615 Reasonable rates. Telephone 11 Frank FitzGibbon 0117 932 9321
COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Across 1. Military tactic used by Joshua to attack and destroy the city of Ai (Joshua 8:2) (6) 4. Place of learning (6) 8. ‘When Moses’ hands grew — , they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it’ (Exodus 17:12) (5) 9. Unpleasant auguries of the end of the age, as forecast by Jesus (Matthew 24:7) (7) 10.Stronghold to which girls in King Xerxes’ harem (including Esther) were taken (Esther 2:8) (7) 11. Where Saul went to consult a medium before fighting the Philistines (1 Samuel 28:7) (5) 12.Propitiation (Hebrews 2:17) (9) 17.Turn away (Jeremiah 11:15) (5) 12
19.So clear (anag.) (7) 21. ‘I have just got — , so I can’t come’: one excuse to be absent from the great banquet (Luke 14:20) (7) 22.Long weapon with a pointed head used by horsemen (Job 39:23) (5) 23.Musical beat (6) 24.What the Israelites were told to use to daub blood on their door-frames at the first Passover (Exodus 12:22) (6) Down 1. Fasten (Exodus 28:37) (6) 2. Art bite (anag.) (7) 3. ‘The people of the city were divided; some — with the Jews, others with the apostles’ (Acts 14:4) (5) 5. Contend (Jeremiah 12:5) (7) 6. Possessed (Job 1:3) (5) 7. Sheen (Lamentations 4:1) (6) 9. ‘You love evil rather than good, — rather than speaking the truth’ (Psalm 52:3) (9) 13.Large flightless bird (Job 39:13) (7) 14.They were worth several hundred pounds each (Matthew 25:15) (7) 15. ‘A — went out to sow his seed’ (Matthew 13:3) (6) 16. How Jesus described Jairus’s daughter when he went into the room where she lay (Mark 5:39) (6) 18. The part of the day when the women went to the tomb on the first Easter morning (John 20:1) (5) 20.Narrow passageway between buildings (Luke 14:21) (5) SATURDAY LUNCHES @ St. Marys Church Serving light lunches from the main door of the Church on the following Saturdays, 12th & 26th June, 12noon - 2pm Please remember to observe social distancing 13
All Saints Services and 6th DUTY TIME 8.00am Services 10.30am 8.00am Wardens Readers Prayers Parish Street 10.30am E. Seretny / N. Heath 1st lesson A. Lavis Oakdene Avenue St Mary’s Services 6th DUTY TIME 10.00am Services 6.30pm Evensong - with Revd Janey Mondays - 8.15am Zoom Morning Prayer Log on details please email: [email protected] 14 1st Sunday after Trinity - Holy Communion - With Revd Janey & Mark - S. Cook / D. Williams - D. Williams Park Avenue 13th 2nd Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion With Revd Janey Revd Lizzie 1st Sunday after Trinity - 13th 2nd Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion
20th TIME 8.00am Duty Rota for June 27th 3rd Sunday after Trinity - 10.30am Holy Communion 8.00am - 10.30am N. Heath / D. Williams C. Powell Park Place 20th TIME 10.00am 3rd Sunday after Trinity - 6.30pm Holy Communion 4th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion - E. Seretny / S. Cook - J. Waldren Penny Royal Grove for June 27th 4th Sunday after Trinity Holy Communion with Baptism - Wednesdays - 9.00am Celtic Morning Prayer on Zoom Contact Mark for details 0117 951 8419 15 Quarry Way 4th July 5th Sunday fter Trinity - Holy Communion 4th July 5th Sunday afterTrinity - Holy Communion - -
kitchens Bathrooms Wetrooms loft conversations From concept to completion for all aspects of home build & renovation [email protected] 07748 397329 local family business J. B. LANDSCAPES General Build and Maintenance James Bufton Qualified Landscaper Tel: 0117 939 1316 Mob: 07792 097 234 [email protected] www.jblandscapesbristol.co.uk A family run business. 16 Nick Tuftnell Counsellor Fully qualified BACP registered and based locally 07988 136267 tangate-counselling.co.uk [email protected]
THE DASH WAS DONE!!! Revd. Lizzie reports on the run We did it! – From the start in Bath by the famous Royal Crescent all the way back to the just as epic Fish in Fishponds. A 13.1 miles half marathon. As someone who has never run that far before, I was given some advice by an experienced runner– “Enjoy it”. And that might seem a strange thing to say, but it was in fact very enjoyable. The cycle path was beautiful that day and just starting to blossom in April, with the bluebells joining us along our route. The day was bright and sunny and slightly hotter than we expected as we left Bath and followed, first the towpath by the canal, and then the cycle path up to Saltford. The hardest challenge of the stretch came from Saltford to Bitton, as although we were 6 miles into the run, we still felt a long way from home. The cycle path is quite exposed on that slight incline upwards and without the reprieve of a little shade it was this bit that felt challenging. However, before long we were all running into Warmley, and the steep hill up to the bridge which we all thought would feel really tough was in fact fine. 10 miles in at that point we knew that we could do it. Just before the Staple Hill tunnel we had a lovely surprise as Matt and Katie Leaver ran to meet us to cheer us on –and “run us home” and we really needed it at that point! The final mile felt hard on the legs but good in the heart and head and before we knew it, in 2 hours and 27 minutes we had arrived at the Fish. Flo’s measurements were spot on. A little team of folks managed to meet us and it was brilliant to 17
see everyone’s faces. Thank you. Flo and Claire were brilliant running mates and great company. We even went out a week later for a slightly lighter jog of 5 miles. Flo and I are so grateful to all the love, prayers, and support and sponsorship money that everyone gave so generously. Flo and I both raised over £1500 for the charities that we ran for - Self Injury Support and Christian Aid. So a total of £3000 in all – Thank you so much. That is well worth it for an enjoyable half marathon run! And from Flo Time has a habit of moving about all over the place at the moment, and I can't believe it has been a month since Lizzie and I, along with our friend Clare Roscoe, ran all the way from Royal Crescent in Bath to Fishponds ('the Fish' in Fishponds to be precise!) along the Bristol-Bath Cycle path. Running was something of a salvation during the preceding 6 months, especially during the last lock-down. It got me out of the house (whatever the weather - running through floods on the cycle path in the dark remains something of a training highlight!) and in contact and conversation with people who I didn't live with! It was part of the immense amount of effort it took to keep myself sane. During Lockdown #2 I felt that my mental health was more under pressure than at any other point since this pandemic began. I was tired, and scared, and feeling utterly overwhelmed with everything. Working for a mental health charity, I am perhaps more aware than average of how fragile our mental health can be. Unfortunately, the charity sector, like so many other parts of our economy, has had a hard time over the last year and I decided to use my new found enthusiasm for running after Lizzie, to try and raise some much needed funds for Self Injury Support. 18
Self Injury Support is an organisation that for 30 years has tried to be there for people who often feel they have nowhere else to turn. Self-injury remains a subject surrounded by stigma and misinformation. It can be hard to understand why anyone might want to hurt themselves and to know what to say in response. Self Injury Support provides anonymous, completely non-judgmental listening services, alongside huge amounts of information and resources and their website is a fantastic place for anyone wanting to know more: https://www.selfinjurysupport.org.uk/ There is plenty of advice on how to support others who may be self-harming, as well as self-help resources, guidance and information about support on offer. Our helpline, text, email and webchat services are all manned entirely by volunteers and I am humbled by the absolutely fantastic work they do to be with people in their time of need. I am so grateful to all the individuals who so generously supported Lizzie and I - we both doubled our fundraising targets (we raised £1,000 each!) due to everyone's outstanding generosity. I do have one last ask though - take the time to visit the Self Injury Support website - the more people who are willing and able to talk about self-injury, the less stigmatised it will become and ultimately, the less alone anyone struggling with it may feel. A willingness to sit with people when they are in a dark place is sometimes the most precious gift we can give. 1st Saturday of the Month COFFEE MORNING All being well, we would like to welcome you back to our Coffee Morning on Saturday 3rd July from 10am - 12noon An hour less than before, just for the time being. 19
ALL IN THE MONTH OF JUNE 175 years ago, on 28th June 1846 that Belgian musical instrument maker Adolphe Sax patented the saxophone. 125 years ago, on 4th June 1896 that Henry Ford completed his first automobile, the Ford Quadricycle, and gave it a test run around Detroit Michigan. It was a simple frame with an engine, two gears, a tiller for steering and four bicycle wheels. It had a top speed of 20mph. Its success led him to establish the Ford Motor Company. 100 years ago on 10th June 1921 that Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was born on a dining room table in Corfu. He was the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. 90 years ago, on 13th June 1931 that Jesse Boot, 1st Baron Trent, British pharmacist and philanthropist, died. He had turned his father’s Boots Company into a national chain of chemists. 80 years ago, from 22nd June to 5th December 1941 that Operation Barbarossa took place. It was the German 20 invasion of the Soviet Union, the largest military operation in history. In the end, it was a Soviet victory, for the German invaders were repelled when they reached Moscow, and then driven out of Russia by a Soviet counter-attack. 75 years ago, on 26th June 1946 that Field Marshall Bernard Montgomery became Chief of the Imperial General Staff (head of the British army). 65 years ago, on 13th June 1956 that the first European Cup final (soccer) was held, in Paris. Real Madrid (Spain) beat Stade de Reims (France) 4-3. The European Cup is now known as the UEFA Champions League. 60 years ago, on 6th June 1961 that Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist, died. He was the founder of analytical psychology. 50 years ago, on 16th June 1971 that John Reith (Lord Reith), 1st Baron Reith, Scottish business executive and politician, died. He was
Manager and Director General of the BBC in its formative years. He also formed BOAC (now British Airways). 40 years ago, on 22nd June 1981 that American tennis player John McEnroe earned the press nickname ‘Superbrat’ when he threw a tantrum during his first-round match against Tom Gullikson at Wimbledon. He hurled abuse at the umpire, swore at the referee, and popularised the phrase ‘you cannot be serious’ when he disputed a line call. Nevertheless, he went on to win the men’s singles championship that year. 25 years ago, on 4th June 1996 that the Second Severn Crossing was officially opened. The bridge spans the River Severn and links England and Wales via the M4 motorway. 20 years ago, on 22nd June 2001 that two British schoolboys who murdered two-year-old James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993 were released from secret custody after 8 years. They were given new identities and moved to secret locations. SUDOKU PUZZLES (Answers on page 26) EASY MEDIUM 21
Dear sisters and brothers at All Saints, Time has passed quickly and it doesn’t seem long since I was writing my introduction for the magazine. Now I have come to the end of my placement with you and it is time for me to say ‘goodbye and thank you.’ I have really appreciated your warm welcome, prayers and encouragement. It has been a privilege to journey with you through a difficult and challenging time in our collective lives due to all that has happened through the pandemic, experiencing lockdowns and changing regulations. I have learnt so much during my time with you and am thankful for having being able to spend some of my formation with you. I will continue to hold you in my prayers as I move to my next placement at Hazelnut Community Farm. May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His face shine upon you, Every blessing, Sharon HAND CARVED WOODEN CROSSES A member of St. Marys Church has been carving these hand held crosses with a recommended donation of £5, to help raise funds for St. Mary’s Church. There are a few of these crosses at All Saints Church if you would like to have one and to make a donation. 22
WORD SEARCH St Alban - the first British martyr Persecution of Christians worldwide is rising fast, so it is worth remembering St Alban, the first British martyr. Alban was a Roman citizen living in England when the Roman emperor, Diocletian, began a fierce persecution. Soon Alban found a desperate priest on his doorstep, hunted by local soldiers. Alban gave the priest shelter, and within days was converted. When the soldiers arrived, Alban took the priest’s place, refused to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods, and was condemned to death. Alban went to his execution on 22nd June 250AD with such serenity that one of the executioners was converted. He died on the site of the Hertfordshire town that now bears his name. Alban Martyr Roman Emperor Priest Soldiers Sacrifice Gods Death Serenity Died Site Town Name Doorstep Execution Persecution Condemned Converted Diocletian 23
Time Well Spent – a practical guide to developing your daily devotions, by Colin Webster, 10Publishing, £2.99 When it comes to growing our devotional life, we may not know where to begin. Perhaps we feel so busy that we can’t possibly add yet another thing to our ‘to-do list’. Or maybe Bible study time feels more like a strain on the brain rather than fuel for the soul, and we wonder if it’s worth keeping going. This book tackles these concerns head-on. It explains what a daily devotional time should involve, provides tips as to how to set aside the common distractions of life, and explains why time with God really is time well spent. Not Knowing but Still Going. By Jocelyn-Anne Harvey, Instant Apostle, £9.99 Uncertainty, change and the unexpected – we all struggle with unknowns. So, can we learn from Noah’s Ark and the women who entered it? It is an unusual premise for a book, but the author explores the challenges Noah’s family faced, and blends these with her own personal experiences of God’s faithfulness in uncertain times. She considers such questions as: How can we progress when we can’t feel any movement? How can we respond to the ‘suddenlies’ in life? What can we do with ‘the want in the wait’? Do women have key roles to play? So if you are a woman feeling swamped by a flood of unknowns, this book may provide some encouragement to keep going, and to find refuge in the Lord, until your way becomes clear. 24
God’s Brilliantly Big Creation Story. By Dai Woolridge, Bible Society, £6.99 Here’s a good way to introduce young children (aged three to six) to the Genesis creation account. Written with rhythm and rhyme, the book covers the awe-inspiring journey through the days of Creation, and it is full of fun and beautiful imagery, from the vastness of the solar system to the immediacy of small animals. The book would be good for reading aloud to preschool-aged children, and for use with children starting to learn to read. It will help parents looking for a fun, fresh way to introduce children to the Christian faith. GUIDING On the closure of Fishponds Baptist, Guinea Lane earlier in the year, the Guiding Troop there needed a new place to meet. Thanks to St. Mary’s Church, Fishponds, who offered a place for them to carry on meeting. They all meet on a Tuesday evening. If you would like to know more about them please email your enquires to [email protected] and he will pass on your details to the leaders of the group. OVER HEARD! We did healthy eating with our Brownies and asked them what a courgette was - one of them described it as an "angry cucumber.” (Taken from the Guiding website) 25
FROM THE EDITOR Hope you have all been keeping well and safe. Let’s pray that everything will get better as each day goes by, so that our lives can go back to being normal. Hopefully you have seen in the magazine, all being well, our ‘Summer Fayre’ and also if we are able, our ‘1st Saturday of the Month Coffee Morning’. We will be taking things easy at first to see how it goes and hopefully the Cafe Repair will return when they feel the time is right. We will have our usual books and hopefully a few cakes to buy. So hope that you feel that you can come along and join us. If you fancy doing a bit of tiding in the church grounds you would be most welcome and get a free cuppa. Deadline for July issue will be Sunday 13th June, articles to [email protected] or give me a call on 0117 3079117. ANSWERS TO THIS MONTHS CROSSWORD & SUDOKU’S 26 E A S Y M E D I U M ACROSS: 1 Ambush; 4 School; 8 Tired; 9 Famines; 10 Citadel; 11 Endor; 12 Atonement; 17 Avert; 19 Oracles; 21 Married; 22 Lance; 23 Rhythm; 24 Hyssop. DOWN: 1 Attach; 2 Biretta; 3 Sided; 5 Compete; 6 Owned; 7 Lustre; 9 Falsehood; 13 Ostrich; 14 Talents; 15 Farmer; 16 Asleep; 18 Early; 20 Alley.
Roles & Contacts for All Saints Church Parochial Church Council Members Luci Heath Anita Lavis Tam Pearce Mark Simms Diane Simms John Waldren Alison Wren Elisa Williams Chris Whitehead Dave Williams Deanery Synod Representatives Chris Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tiny Tots John Waldren Tel: 0117 956 3208 Gift Aid Chris Whitehead Anita Lavis Mike Lavis Vacant Junior Church Lizzie Kesteven Tel: 0117 965 0856 Electoral Roll Helen Whitehead Tel: 0117 965 4697 Tel: 0117 307 9117 Tel: 0117 965 4697 Magazine Editor / Adverts Tel: 0117 307 9117 Hall Booking Secretary Elisa Williams Tel: 079 7395 3445 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Roles & Contacts for St. Marys Church Matt Timms Parochial Church Council Members John Ewing Hannah Gazeley Sam Toogood Director of Music / Choir John Anson Tel: 0117 962 2093 General Enquiries Matt Timms [email protected] 27 Edward Gleed Deanery Synod Representatives Leigh Cooper Wives Group Jean Button Tel: 0117 965 0218 Notes / News / Weekly Sheet Sam Toogood [email protected] Bob Bartlett Andrew Cooper
Do you need somewhere to hold a celebration or meeting? ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY HALL Part of the Parish of All Saints Church Could be your answer It can cater for small or medium size function. Has kitchen facilities, plus adequate on site parking Our rates are very competitive. For details please contact Elisa Tel: 0117 9584164 / 07973 953445 Or visit our web site: www.allsaintsfishponds.co.uk You are very welcome to view before booking. 28
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