CHURCHYARD GARDENING GROUP at ST. MARY’S Every Monday from10am till 12noon A group meet up to do a spot of gardening and tidying up in the grounds. You are very welcome to come along and join us, but please bring your own refreshments and to social distance when gardening. Where are our birds? British birds are in big trouble. 80 per cent of our most popular species are in severe decline, according to recent data from the RSPB’s annual Big Garden Birdwatch. The world’s largest wildlife survey has found that 16 out of the 20 most spotted garden birds have been in decline since 2020. There are now concerns about the greenfinch and chaffinch, which were seen in their lowest ever numbers this year. The top five birds seen in people’s gardens were: house sparrows, blue tits, starlings, blackbirds and wood pigeons. Only robins, blackbirds, carrion crows and the song thrush grew in number in 2020. For young people from year 7 and upwards. To meet to talk, learn, pray and have fun together. 1st Sunday of the Month - 7.15pm For information contact Nigel on 0117 965 2893 or Revd. Lizzie 10
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