A distinction between sociocode and socioprotocode is made. The socioprotocode defined as metaphysical entity that determine the social existence. The phenomenon of antagonism between protocode and socioprotocode in society, manifested, inter alia, with regard to philosophers’ subsistence in the conflict of their axiomatics is the subject of the paper. The axiomatic synthesis recipes and more importantly – recipes of integrated human communication and synthetic human communication the author bring to your notice. The types of verification and validation of the theoretical concepts and substances examines by the author. Keywords: code, socio-code, metacode, unicode, protocode, socioprotocode, transcendence, generator, immanence, communication, verification, validation. 弯曲protocode : 从抽象到具体实施例 博尔奇科夫 摘要: 本文包含的各种码的定义,以及最重要的社会代码,和sociokode, protocode and socioprotocode示了理论和实践产生的作用. protocode 定义为一种形 而上的实体,在决定社会存在。 关键词:代码,社会法典, metakode, unikode, protocode,socioprotocode, 发电机,超越性,内在性,公理,公理冲突和综合,通信,验证,确认。 the axiom, axioms conflict and synthesis, 33
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