The supreme unity of all beginnings of being, including any thesis X and its antithesis notX, is understood to be the Completeness. The novelty of this approach is to establish a relationship of complementarity between the Completeness and the Determinateness – such sphere of being, where X is incompatible with notX. In spite of the fact that the Completeness “there is” in а sense, the Completeness is complement to any particular Determinateness. The Completeness manifests itself in a sphere of specific being qua a highly specified condition (“background-being”). The context of being is to bring together some areas of Completeness and Determinateness, to relax hold on their complementarity through the manifold of “small completenesses” which is thought of as “private multiunities” in the area of certain being. Keywords: the philosophy of neoallunity, Completeness, great and small completenesses, Determinateness, ancillarity, socioprotocode. 该理论的完整性,以 socioprotocode 莫伊谢夫 摘要: 绝对是互补的丰满度和一定的统一。 “完整性” - 所有存在的开端,包 括论文和对立面的统一更高。确定性 - 区域是其中直到不兼容的论文和对立面的 结束。笔者提供靠近丰满和界定理论的草图。应用这种原理的公司公开了 “socioprotocode ”的概念 关键词: 哲学 Neoallunity Philosophy, 完整性, 大大小小的完整性, 确 定性, 辅助性, socioprotocode 8

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