Friday 4th March 2pm Argyle Morley URC Church 131 Whitefield Road, Speedwell, Bristol BS5 7UB “I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU” Jeremiah 29: 11 Prepared by Christian women from England, Wales and Northern Ireland Theme of the service is HOPE HOPE is depicted through the lighting of candles, the distribution of seeds and the exchange of message worldwide via social media using hashtag #WDP hope. All are welcome to this service, including men and children. All Saints Church & St. Marys Church SAFEGUARDING TRAINING COURSE Saturday 19th March 2022 All Saints Community Link Room 9.30am - 12noon This is for all who work with children and vulnerable adults and PCC members. If you attended this course in 2019 or anyone who has done DBS since, needs to attend to this course to update their training. Please contact Helen our Safeguarding Officer on 0117 9654697 if you are attended this course. Thank you. LIVING AFTER LOSS Have you had to face a loss? Bereavement / Retirement / Health Problems / Redundancy etc. Do you need to talk? You are very welcome to come and talk to friendly people over refreshments at St. Mary’s Church Parish Rooms Friday 4th, & 18th February, 11am - 12noon For information please contact Revd. Lizzie 0117 9650 856 7

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