COFFEE BREAK TIME (Answers on page 26) Acros 1. Proverbs describes her as being ‘of noble character’ (Proverbs 31:10) (4) 3. ‘Shall we go up again — — against the Benjamites, our brothers?’ (Judges 20:23) (2,6) 8. A descendant of Shem (Genesis 10:28) (4) 9. ‘Anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my — ’ (Luke 14:27) (8) 11. Resentment (Ephesians 4:31)(10) 14. In Cain(anag.)(6) 15. ‘Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to—’ (Psalm 139:6) (6) 17. Intense (1 Thessalonians 4:5)(10) 20. Third Order of the Roman Catholic Church(8) 21. ‘At midnight the cry rang out, “Here’s the bridegroom!Come out to — him”’ (Matthew 25:6) (4) 12
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